haiku book reviews

Send your book for review to Modern Haiku.
Paul Miller, Book Review Editor

Modern Haiku • PO Box 1570 • Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

Modern Haiku Press is pleased to share this cumulative collection of book reviews
from each issue starting with Modern Haiku 32.2, Summer 2001, through the present issue.

Book reviews alphabetized by author, translator, or editor.
Click on the book's title to read the MH review


Addiss, Stephen

The Art of Haiku: Its History through Poems and Paintings by Japanese Masters, by Stephen Addiss (Boston & London: Shambhala, 2012). 370 pages; 6.25 x 9.25. Quarterbound, white and black paper; four-color wrappers; flyleaves; Smythe-sewn. ISBN 978-1-590308-86-8. Price: $24.95 from booksellers. 997 poems with illustrations, many in full color.

Alexander, Frances Wesley

I Reckon, by Francis Wesley Alexander (Huron, Ohio: Botton Dog Press, 2019). 108 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947504-18-9. Price: $16.00 from online booksellers.

Anakiev, Dimitar

World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Rights Violation, edited by Dimitar Anakiev (Templeton, Calif.: Kamesan Books, 2013). 392 pages; 51⁄2”x81⁄2”. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-148413-79-94. $26.91 from online booksellers.

Andrade, Jorge Carrera

Microgramas, by Jorge Carrera Andrade. Translated by Alejandro de Acosta and Joshua Beckman (Seattle: Wave Books, 2011). 85 pages; 5 x 7. Matte gray card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-933517- 55-1. Price: $16.00 from the publisher at <info@wavebooks.com>.

Andrelczyk, Mike

Dissolving, by Mike Andrelczyk (Alien Buddha Press, 2019). 87 pages; 5 × 8. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-703430-74-5. Price: $10.44 from online booksellers.

Ann, Lithica (deadname: Lori A Minor)

Against the Current: The Top 30 Contributors of #FemkuMag, Issues 1-30, ed. Lori A Minor (Ohio: Moth Orchid Press, 2022). 103 pages; 6 × 9. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-716- 05527-0. Price: $13.50 from online booksellers.


Haiku for a Moonless Night, Volume I, by An’ya. Haiga by Kuniharu Shimizu; calligraphy by Eri Takase. 6.5 x 8.5, paperback stringbound, 138 pages, without folios. ISBN 0-9727130-0-X.

Antolin, Susan

Artichoke Season: Haiku and Tanka, by Susan Antolin (Walnut Creek, Calif.: Spare Poems Press, 2009). 96 pages; 5 x7. Matte white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-615309-77-4. Price: $12.00 from online bookstores or the author at <susantolin@gmail.com>.

The Years that Went Missing, by Susan Antolin (Durham, N.C.: Back- bone Press, 2020). 36 pages; 5 × 7. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9994659-5-0. Price: $10.00 from www. backbonepress.org.

Arima, Akito

Einstein's Century: Akito Arima’s Haiku by Akito Arima, English translation by Emiko Miyashita & Lee Gurga. Introduction by William J. Higginson. (Decatur, Illinois: Brooks Books, 2001), 128 pages, $18.50 ppd from Brooks Books, 3720 N. Woodridge Drive, Decatur, IL 62526.

Aoyagi, Fay

Chrysanthemum Love by Fay Aoyagi (San Francisco: Blue Willow Press, 2003).92 pages, 4H½ x 5H½. ISBN 0-9745547-0 (pamphlet in wrapper). $10.00 postpaid from the publisher, 930 Pine St., #105, San Francisco, CA 94108.

In Borrowed Shoes, by Fay Aoyagi (San Francisco, Calif.: Blue Willow Press, 2006). 112 pages, 4.125" x 5.375", perfectbound. No ISBN. $12 postpaid from the author at 930 Pine Street #105, San Francisco, CA 94108 or online at <www.bluewillowhaiku.com>.

Baird, Don

Haiku: The Interior and Exterior of Being, by Don Baird (Burbank, Calif.: The Little Buddha Press, 2014). 212 pages; 6" x 9". Glossy black and white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-304-67843-0. Price: $14.95 from online booksellers.

Balabanova, Ludmila

Dewdrops on the Weeds, by Ludmila Balabanova (Bulgaria: Small Stations Press, 2016). 64 pages; 51⁄2"x81⁄4". Green and white matte card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-9-543840-47-2. Price: $5.00 from www.smallstations.com

Bangor Haiku Group

Broken in Passing, by the Bangor Haiku Group (Bangor, Maine: haiku to go, 2005). 13 pages, 4 .125" x 2 .125", saddle-stapled. $3 postpaid from Steve Perrin, PO Box 585, Bar Harbor, ME 04609.

Baranski, Johnny

Convicts Shoot the Breeze, by Johnny Baranski; ISBN 1-893823-11-3. (Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2002). Each 20 pages, 5.5" x 4.25", stapled. $4.50 plus 60¢ postage from Saki Press, 1021 Gregory, Normal, IL 61761-4236.

Barlow, John

Flamingo Shapes, by John Barlow, with four photographs by Wendy Farrell (Liverpool, Eng.: Snapshot Press, 2001). 8" x 3.5", 32 poems, 24 pages, saddle-stitched with full-color cover. ISBN 1-903543-04-5. $10.00 in U.S. bills, postpaid from the publisher at PO Box 132, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 8XS, U.K.

Waiting for the Seventh Wave, by John Barlow (Liverpool, England: Snapshot Press, 2006). 80 pages; 5x 7. Semigloss color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-11-5. $20.00 from the publisher.

Barlow, John & Martin Lucas, Editors

The New Haiku, edited by John Barlow and Martin Lucas (Liverpool: Snapshot Press, 2002). 224 pages, 5.325" x 8.5", four-color cover, perfectbound. ISBN 1-903453-03-7. $20.00 postpaid in U.S. bills from Snapshot Press, PO Box 132, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 8XS, U.K.

Barlow, John & Matthew Paul

Wing Beats: British Birds in Haiku, by John Barlow and Matthew Paul (Liverpool, Eng.: Snapshots Press, 2008). 350 pages; 5  x 7. Hardbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-24-5. £19.49 from the publisher at PO Box 132, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 8WZ, UK.

Barnhill, David Landis, translator

Basho’s Haiku: Selected Poems of Matsuo Basho, translated and with an in-troduction by David Landis Barnhill (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 2004). 331 pages; 5.5½ x 8.75½. ISBN 0-791461-65-3 $71.50 (hardcover); 0-791461-66-1 $23.95 (paper). Available from booksellers.

Barry, Jack

All Nite Rain: Haiku, by Jack Barry (Ashfield, Mass.: Down-to-Earth Books, 2009). 64 pages; 5 x 8. Glossy colored card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 1-878115-30-8. Price: $12.95 from the publisher at PO Box 488, Ashfield MA 01330

Barton, Geri

Crumb Moves the Ant, by Geri Barton. ISBN 1-893823-15-6. Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2005. 5.25 x 4.5, saddle-stapled. Available for $5.00 each (plus postage each $0.60 U.S., $0.98 Canada/Mexico, or $2.55 overseas) from Saki Press (checks payable to “Lenore Hutton”), 1021 West Gregory, Normal, IL 61761.

Barwin, Gary and Derek Beaulieu

Frogments from the Frag Pool: Haiku after Basho, by Gary Barwin and Derek Beaulieu (Georgetown, Ont.: Mercury Press, 2005). 128 pages, 5 I" x 5 I", perfectbound. ISBN 1-55128-112-0. $14.95 from most retailers.

Bauerly, Donna

Raymond Roseliep: Man of Art Who Loves the Rose, by Donna Bauerly (Winchester, Va.: The Haiku Foundation, 2015). 300 pages; 51⁄2"x81⁄2". Matte red card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0- 9826951-1-1. Price: $50.00 (considered as a donation to THF, with $40 tax-deductible) from www.thehaikufoundation.org/haiku-foundation-gift-shop/

Bazzano, Manu

Zen Poems, edited by Manu Bazzano, illustrations by André Sollier (London: MQ Publications, 2002). 256 pages, 6" x 6", clothbound, dust jacket. ISBN 1-84072-237-0. $14.95 from Amazon.com.

Beary, Roberta

Carousel, by Roberta Beary (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2024). 96 pages; 5 × 7.75. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-57-3. Price: £12.99 from www.snapshotpress.co.uk

The Unworn Necklace, by Roberta Beary (Liverpool: Snapshot Press, 2007). 80 pages, 5 x 8, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-22-1. $20.00 postpaid from Snapshot Press, PO Box 132, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 8WZ, U.K. or online at <snapshotpress.com.uk>

Beary, Robert, Lew Watts, and Rich Youmans

Haibun: a Writer’s Guide, by Roberta Beary, Lew Watts, and Rich Youmans (United Kingdom: Ad Hoc Fiction, 2023). 120 pages; 6x9. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-915247- 40-7. Price: $16.99 from online booksellers.

Bennett, Brad

A Box of Feathers, by Brad Bennett (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2022). 98 pages; 4.25 × 6.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-958408-03-2. Price: $20.00 from www. redmoonpress.com.

Berry, Ernest & An'ya

Haiku Wine, by Ernest J Berry and An’ya. ISBN 0-9727130-1-8. 6.5 x 8.5, paperback, stringbound, 142 pages, without folios. Both ©2003, and available for $18.95 each postpaid (or $33.95 for the two) from the publisher, the Natal-Light Press, PO Box 1168, Crooked River Ranch, OR 97760.

Better, Cathy Drinkwater

cat, by Cathy Drinkwater Better, and human, by Raven Spirit Walker (Sykesville, Md.: Black Cat Press, 2002?). Each 8 pages, 4" x 4", stapled. No ISBN. $3.00 each, from the author at 613 Okemo Dr, Eldersburg, MD 21784.

Bluger, Marianne

Early Evening Pieces by Marianne Bluger (Ottawa, Ont.: BuschekBooks, 2003). 84 pages; 13.8 cm x 21.5 cm; perfectbound; full-color cover. ISBN: 1-894543-14-9. Can$15.00/US$10.00 postpaid from BuschekBooks, PO Box 74053, 5 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1M 2H9, Canada.

Boyer, David M.

Overpacked for the Afterlife, by David M. Boyer (No place [Stamford, Conn.]: Privately printed, 2023). 103 pages; 6×9. Glossy four-col- or card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-7325087-7-4. Price: $6.99 from online booksellers.

Brady, David

On the Second Day:a haiku sequence with pictorial reflections by David Brady (self-published, 2001). 42 pages, paper. $5.00/£3.00 postpaid from the author at 121 Norwood Road, Stretford, Manchester M32 8PP, UK.

Brandi, John

The Rain Sweeps Through, by John Brandi (Chimacum, Wash.: Empty Bowl Press, 2023). 88 pages; 5×7. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 979-8-9883701-3-0. Price: $18.00 from www. emptybowl.org.

Brandi, John & Dennis Maloney, Editors

The Unswept Path: Contemporary American Haiku, edited by John Brandi and Dennis Maloney. Preface by William J. Higginson. (Buffalo, New York: White Pine Press, 2005). 222 pages, 5 x 7 , perfectbound. ISBN 1-893996-38-7. $15.00 from booksellers.

Bridges, Alan

In the Curves, by Alan S. Bridges (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2020. 86 pages; 4.5 ×6.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-56-2. Price: $15.00 from www. redmoonpress.com

British Haiku Society

Brushwood 1: Anthology of the Nobuyuki Yuasa International English Haibun Contest 2002. (Shalford, Essex: British Haiku Society, 2002). 32 pages, 5.75" x 8.25", saddle-stitched. ISBN 0-95223975. £5.00 from the British Haiku Society, Sinodun, Shalford, Essex CM7 5.5N, U.K.

Brooks, Randy

The Art of Reading & Writing Haiku: A Reader Response Approach, by Randy Brooks (Taylorville, Ill: Brooks Books, 2019). 223 pages; 6 × 9. Glossy black and white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-929820- 17-7. Price: $24.00 from www.brooksbookshaiku.com.

Millikin University Haiku Anthology, edited by Randy M. Brooks, Emily Evans, Rick Bearce, and Melanie McLay (Decatur, Ill.: Bronze Man Books, 2008). 1st edition. 192 pages; 5.5 x 8.5. Glossy white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-978744-16-8. Price: $25.00.

Burns, Allan

Distant Virga, by Allan Burns (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2011). 64 unnumbered pages; 4.25 x 6.125. Glossy four-color card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936949-08-9. price: $12.00+s&h from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

Where the River Goes: The Nature Tradition in English-language Haiku, edited by Allan Burns (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2013). 479 pages; 5x7. Hardcover. ISBN 978-1-903543-36-8. Price: £26.00 from <www.snapshotpress.co.uk>.

Cabalona, Yvonne, Jo Lea Parker, & W.F. Owen, Editors

blink, edited by Yvonne Cabalona, Jo Lea Parker, and W.F. Owen, (no publisher, 2002). 20 pages; 5.5" x 8.5"; saddle-stapled. No ISBN. $5.00 postpaid from Yvonne Cabalona, 709 Auburn St., Modesto, CA 95350.

Feel of the Handrail, edited by Yvonne Cabalona and W.F. Owen (Modesto, Calif.: Leaning Bamboo Press, 2005). 32 pages, 5.25 x 8.5, saddle-stapled. No ISBN. $7.00 postpaid from Yvonne Cabalona, 709 Auburn Street, Modesto, CA 95350.

Cariello, Matthew M.

The Empty Field, by Matthew M. Cariello (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2023). 126 pages; 4.25 ×6.5. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-958408-08-7. Price: $20.00 from www.redmoonpress.com.

Carter. Steven D.

Haiku Before Haiku: From the Renga Masters to Bashô, Steven D. Carter, translator (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011). 167 pages; 5x8. Glossy brick-red card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0- 231126-47-9. Price: $22.50 from the publisher or booksellers.

Carter, Steven R.

Pillars of Fire: Haibun and Haiku, by Steven Carter (Uxbridge, En- gland: Alba Publishing, 2011). 64 pages; 5x8. Perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-957259-21-8. Price: $12.00 from the publisher at <http://albapublishing.com>.

Book of Dreams: Haibun, by Steven Carter (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2012). 70 pages; 4x6. Glossy blue card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-15-7. Price: $12.00 + s&h from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

Dear Corlies/Dear Dorothy: Letters to My Parents: Haibun, by Steven Carter (No place: Gean Tree Press, 2013). Available as an e-book from <http://www.geantreepress.com/books> and <http://en.calameo.com>.

Cater, Terry Ann

Haiku in Canada: History, Poetry, Memoir, by Terry Ann Carter (Canada: Ekstatis Editions Canada Ltd., 2020). 214 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-771713- 83-2. Price: $24.95 from www.ekstasiseditions.com.

Chambers, Paul

The Dry Bones, by Paul Chambers (England: The Red Ceilings Press, 2021). 54 pages; 4 x 5.75 Matte four-color card covers; perfect bound.

Childs, Cyril & Joanna Preston, Editors

listening to the rain: an anthology of Christchurch haiku and haibun, edited by Cyril Childs & Joanna Preston (Christchurch, N.Z.: The Small White Teapot Haiku Group, 2002?). 72 pages, 5" x 8", perfectbound. ISBN 0-473-08339-6. US$9.50 from The Small White Teapot Haiku Group, 6 Ballantyne Ave, Christchurch 4, New Zealand.

Chipot, Dominique, Editor

Seulement l'echo: anthologie de haïkus francophones, edited by Dominique Chipot. Sumi-e by Manda (Rennes, France: La Part Commune, 2010). 351 pages; 4 x 6. Matte beige and four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-2-844182-09-8. Price: US$18.00 from the publisher at <www.lapartcommune.com>.

Chula, Margaret

One Leaf Detaches, by Margaret Chula (United Kingdom: Alba Publishing, 2019). 54 pages; 5 × 8. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-912773-24-4. Price: $15.00 from the author at margaretchula.com.

Clausen, Tom

Laughing to Myself, by Tom Clausen (Rochester, Ny.: Free Food Press, 2013). 50 pages; 51⁄4”x81⁄4”. Glossy black and white card cover; perfectbound. No ISBN. $12.50 from the publisher at 125 High Street, Rochester, NY 14609 or <www.freefoodpress.com>

Clement, Joyce

Beyond My View, by Joyce Clement. Edited by vincent tripi (Bristol, Conn.: Endionpress, 2011). 40 pages; 5 x 7. Matte brown pat- terned card covers; translucent section dividers; hand sewn. ISBN 978-0-98-9835008-0-3. Price: $20.00 from the author at 168 Old Turnpike Rd, Bristol CT 06010.

Coats, Glenn

Where the Tide Meets the Stream, by Glenn G. Coats (Carolina Shores, N.C.: Pineola Publishing, 2020). 68 pages, 6 × 9. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 9798670630597. Price: $8.00 from online booksellers.

Cobb, David

Forefathers, by David Cobb (North Falmouth, Mass.: Leap Press, 2004). ISBN 0-9747229-1-X. 28 pages, 8½ x 5½, saddle-stapled. $8.50 postpaid from the publisher, PO Box 1424, North Falmouth, MA 02556.

Haiku edited and with an introduction and biographical notes by David Cobb (London: British Museum Press, 2002). With 38 full-color illustrations of Japanese art work from the British Museum. 90 pages, 6" x 7.5 ", hardbound, with four-color dust jacket. ISBN 0-7-141240-1-x. Cover price £9.99; available in American bookstores and on-line booksellers at discounts.

The Humours of Haiku, edited by David Cobb (Cullercoats, North Shields, England: Iron Press, 2012). 76 pages; 4 x6 . Semigloss black and four-color card covers; flypapers; textured tinted papers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-956572-54-7. Price: £7.00 from the publisher at <ironpress@blueyonder.co.uk>.

Palm by David Cobb, with a foreword by Carol Rumens, linocut and handprint by the author; crayon portrait by Georgie Roy (Essex, England: Equinox Press, 2002). 88 pages, 8.25" x 6" paper, perfectbound. ISBN: 0-9517103-4-6. £7.95 ($12.00 postpaid airmail printed-paper rate to the U.S.) from the publisher at Sinodun, Shalford, Essex, CM7 5.5N, United Kingdom.

English Seasonal Images: An Almanac of Haiku Season Words Pertinent to England, by David Cobb. 2004. 120 pages. Typescript on A4 paper, spiral-bound. $30.00 (in bills only) ppd printed matter rate from the author at Sinodun Shalford, Braintree, Essex CM7 5HN, U.K. or <http://dcobb@cosi.fsnet.co.uk>.

Marching with Tulips, by David Cobb (Uxbridge, U. K.: Alba Pub- lishing, 2013). 76 pages; 53⁄4”x81⁄4”. 76 pages; 53⁄4”x81⁄4”. Semigloss four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-957526-50-1. $15.00 from <www.albapublishing.com>

What Happens in Haibun: A Critical Study for use in Tandem with the Haibun Collection ‘Marching With Tulips,’ by David Cobb (Uxbridge, U. K.: Alba Publishing, 2013). 88 pages; 53⁄4”x81⁄4”. Semigloss four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-957526-51-8. $16.00 from <www.albapublishing.com>

Codrescu, Ion

Haiga: Peindre en poésie, by Ion Codrescu (Barjols, France: Association Francophone de Haiku, 2012). 270 pages; 24 cm. Semigloss white, black, and red card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-2952217-85-9. Price: $25.00 from Martine Gonfalone at <http://assfranchaiku@yahoo.fr>.

Colón, Carlos

Voices and Echoes: Haiku Society of America Members’ Anthology, 2001 edited by Carlos Colón, (New York: Haiku Society of America and Tragg Publications, 2001). 124 pages, paper, perfectbound, 5.325" x 8.25". ISBN 0-9631467-8-5. $8.00 U.S. & Canada, $9.00 elsewhere, postpaid from the editor at 185 Lynn Ave., Shreveport, LA 71105-3523.

Collins, Billy

She Was Just Seventeen, by Billy Collins. (Lincoln, Ill.: Modern Haiku Press, 2006). 32 pages, 8.5 x 5, sewn letterpress edition. ISBN 0- 9741894-2-1. Direct from the publisher for $20.00 plus $3.00 postage ($6.00 postage outside the U.S.) from Modern Haiku Press, Box 68, Lincoln IL 62526.

Cook, Wanda

winter pruning, by Wanda D. Cook (Colrain, Mass.: Stark Mountain Press, 2014). 48 pages; 4.25 "x 6.75". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9832298-8-9. Price: $9.00 from the author at P.O. Box 314, Hadley, MA 01035.

Coomler, David

Hokku: Writing Traditional Haiku in English: The Gift to be Simple, by David Coomler (Springfield, Ill.: Octavo Press, 2001), 157 pages, 6" x 9", paperback. ISBN 0-87243-255-6. $12.95 from Templegate Publishers, PO Box 5152, Springfield, IL 62705.

Corman, Cid

One Man’s Moon: Poems by Basho & Other Japanese Poets. English translation by Cid Corman (Frankfort, Ky.: Gnomon Press, 2003). xi + 111 pages, 5.5½ x 8.5½, sewn, paperback. ISBN 0-917788-7-61. $15.00 at booksellers.

So Here You Are by Cid Corman; tel-let, 325 W. Tyler, #B, Charleston, IL 61920-1865; 2001, 22 pp., paper, $5 ppd.

Corman, Cid & Kamaike Susumu , translators

Back Roads to Far Towns: Bashô’s Travel Journal. Translated by Cid Corman ’s Journal and Kamaike Susumu, illustrated by Hide Oshiro. Companions for the Journey Series, number 5 (Buffalo, N.Y.: White Pine Press, 2004). ISBN 1-893996-31-X. 93 pages, 5½ x 7½; paperback. $13.00. Available from booksellers.

Cox, Aubrie

Out of Translation, by Aubrie Cox (Somerville, Mass.: Kattywompus Press, 2015). 19 pages; 5 1⁄4" x 8 1⁄2". Tan card covers; saddle-stapled. ISBN 978-1-936715-93-0. Price: $12.00 from the publisher at 22 Line St., Unit E, Somerville, MA 02143 or www.kattywompuspress.com.

Davidson, L.A.

Birdsong More and More by L.A. Davidson, edited by Vince Tripi, engraving by A.C. Kulik (Northfield, Mass.: Swamp Press, 2003). 20 pages, 7½ x 5½, letterpress printed, hand-bound and sewn. ISBN 0-934714-31-2. Edition limited to 350 copies. $6.00 plus $2.00 postage from Swamp Press, 15 Warwick Road, Northfield, MA 01360.

My Favorite Fifty Haiku, by L.A. Davidson, edited by Laura Tanna (No place [Miami, Fl.]: DLT Associates, Inc., 2017) 43 pages; 5.5x8.5. Glossy four-color card covers; saddle-stapled. ISBN: 978-0-9674991- 1-6. Price: inquire of lauratanna@aol.com

Day, Cherie Hunter

Apology Moon, by Cherie Hunter Day (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2013). 76 pages; 4 1⁄4 x 6 1⁄2. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-28-7. Price: $12.00 from <www. redmoonpress.com>.

For Want, by Cherie Hunter Day (Princeton, N.J.: Ornithopter Press, 2017). 32 pages; 4.5" x 7". Matte four-color wrappers; saddle-stapled. ISBN 978-1-942723-01-4. Price: $11.00 from www.ornithopterpress.com

Deluty, Robert. H

Within and Between by Robert H. Deluty (Gateway Press, 2000). 90 pages, hardbound. $18.45 postpaid from University of Maryland, Baltimore County Bookstore, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, or from the author at 4783 Ilkley Moor Lane, Ellicott City, MD 21043.The Road Behind, by Mike Dillon (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2003), 56 unnumbered pages, 5½ x 7.5½, perfectbound. ISBN: 1-893959-37-6. $12.00 + $3.00 postage and handling from Red Moon Press at P.O. Box 2461, Winchester VA, 22604-1661.

Deodhar, Angelee

Indian Haiku: A Bilingual Anthology of Haiku by 105 Poets from India, Angelee Deodhar, compiler and editor (Chandigarh, India: printed by Azad Hind Stores Ltd., spring 2008). 70 pages (numbered separately in English and Hindi); 4  x 7. No ISBN. Semigloss burgundy card covers; perfectbound. Rs. 100/– or $2.50 from the author at 1224, Sector 42-B, Chandigarh 160 036, India, or <angeleedeodhar@gmail.com>.

Children’s Haiku from Around the World: A Haiku Primer, Hindi translation and bilingual publication by Angelee Deodhar (Chandigarh, India: printed by Azad Hind Stores Ltd., autumn 2007). 242 pages (numbered separately in English and Hindi); 5  x 8 . No ISBN. Semigloss gold card covers; perfectbound. No price given; inquire from the author at the above address.

Detheridge, Andrew

The World Spins Darkly, by Andrew Detheridge (Lincolnshire, Eng.: Hub Editions, 2002). 63 pages, 6½ x 4½; paperback, perfectbound. ISBN 1-903746-15-9. £5.00 from the author at 8 High Haden Road, Haden Hill, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64 7PG, England.

Dillon, Mike

The Road Behind, by Mike Dillon (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2003), 56 unnumbered pages, 5½ x 7.5½, perfectbound. ISBN: 1-893959-37-6. $12.00 + $3.00 postage and handling from Red Moon Press at P.O. Box 2461, Winchester VA, 22604-1661.

Dolphy, Steve

The Cry of the Duck Egg Seller by Steve Dolphy (Isleworth, Middlesex, U.K.: Ram Publications, 2004). 69 pages, 4½ x 5½; perfectbound. ISBN 0-9545630-1-8. $8.00 postpaid from Ram Publications, 13 Witham Rd., Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 4AJ, U.K.

Doman, Dan

A Path Through Autumn Grasses: Photo-Haiku and Other Visual Poems, by Dan Doman (Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Editura Limes, 2012). 204 pages; 21 cm. Glossy white and four-color card covers. ISBN 978-9-737266-73-6. Price: $20.95+$8.00 s&h from <dan_doman24@yahoo.com>.

Donegan, Patricia

Haiku Mind: 108 Poems to Cultivate Awareness & Open Your Heart, by Patricia Donegan (Boston and London: Shambhala, 2008). 231 pages; 5 x 8. Hardcover; semigloss four-color wrappers. ISBN 978-1-5 90305-79-9. Price: $18.00 from booksellers.

Dorsty, George

Making Way, by George Dorsty (Greenfield, Mass.: Tribe Press, 2004). 2 pages, 15½ x 4½, letterpress printed, hand bound, accordion folded. No ISBN. $4.00 postpaid from the author at PO Box 33, Jamesport, NY 11947.

Downing, Johnette.

Singing Waters, by Johnette Downing (Windsor, Conn.: Buddha Baby Press, 2022). 92 pages; 5.5 ×8. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-7366037-5-8. Price: $25.00 from the author at PO Box 13367, New Orleans, LA 70185.

Dupont, Lonnie Hill

The Haiku Box by Lonnie Hill DuPont; Tuttle; 2001, $24.95.

Durmiševic, Smajil

Mountain Flowers of Zepa, by Smajil Durmiševic. English translations by Durda Vukelic Rozic (Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Meligrafpint, 2012). 107+105 pages, in Bosnian and English from opposite ends; 20.5 cm. Glossy green and four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-9958-677-09-0. No price given; inquire at <smaildur@bih.net.ba>.

Emrich, Jeanne

Reeds: Contemporary Haiga, No. 1, edited by Jeanne Emrich, (Edina, Minn.: Lone Egret, 2003), 60 pages; 5.5" x 8.5"; perfectbound. No ISBN. $12.00 postpaid from Lone Egret Press, PO Box 390545, Edina, MN 55435.

Epstein, Robert

Checkout Time is Noon: Death Awareness Haiku, by Robert Epstein (Shelbyville, Ky.: Wasteland Press, 2012). 78 pages; 6 x 9. Glossy full-color card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-600477-50-8. Price: $10.00 ppd from online booksellers.

The Temple Bell Stops: Contemporary Poems of Grief, Loss and Change,
edited by Robert Epstein (Baltimore: Modern English Tanka Press, 2012). 251 pages; 6 x 9. Glossy full-color card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-9353983-0-1. Price: $19.95 from www.lulu.com.

A Walk Around Spring Lake, by Robert Epstein (Shelbyville, Ky.: Wasteland Press, 2012). 65 pages; 6 x 9. Glossy full-color card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-600477-29-4. Price: $10.00 ppd. from online booksellers.

Escareal, Juanito L.

The Silence Within, by Juanito L. Escareal (East Bay, Calif.: Haikukuru Publishing, 2018). 120 pages: 5.5 × 9. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-7202-7456-8. Price: $16.00 from www. amazon.com.

Falkman, Kaj

En orörd sträng: Dag Hammarskjölds liv i haiku och fotografier, by Kaj Falkman (Stockholm: Ordfront förlag, 2005). 160 pages. 145 x 175 mm, casebound with x 175 mm, casebound with x wrappers. ISBN 91-7037-182-2. SKr 218,— from the publisher at Ordfront förlag, POB 17506, 118 91 Stockholm, Sweden, or <forlaget@ordfront.se>.

A String Untouched, Dag Hammarskjöld’s life in haiku and photographs, by Kai Falkman (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2006). 160 pages, 7 ½" x 5", perfectbound. ISBN 1-893959-57-0. $20.00 postpaid from Red Moon Press, PO Box 2461, Winchester VA 22604-2156.

Feingold, Bruce

Everything With an Asterisk, by Bruce H. Feingold (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2022). 82 pages; 4.25 × 6.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-99-9. Price: $20.00 from www.redmoonpress.com.

A New Moon, by Bruce H. Feingold; illustrations by Eona (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2004). 78 pages, 8.5 ½ x 5 ½, paperback, perfectbound. ISBN 1-893959-43-0. $12.00 + $4.00 shipping and handling from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22604-1661.

Findlay, Madeline

Shaped Water: A Haiku Year, by Madeleine Findlay (Portsmouth, N.H.: Single Island Press, 2007). 64 pages; 4 x 5; sewn-bound. ISBN 978-1-4243-3366-0. $17.45 (14.95 + $2.50 shipping and handling) from Single Island Press, 379 State St, Portsmouth, NH 03801.

Firmage, Edwin

Red Rock Yellow Stone, by Edwin Firmage (Salt Lake City, Utah: Firmageditions, 2005). 108 pages, 10.75 x 13.5, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9765693-1-0. $34.95 from Amazon.com

Forrester, Stanford M.

January Sun, by Stanford M. Forrester (Windsor, Conn.: Bottle Rockets Press, 2007). 32 pages, 5 x 6, hand-sewn. ISBN 978-0-9792257-0-3. $11.00 postpaid from the publisher at PO Box 189, Windsor, CT 06095

Frampton, Alice

from here, by Alice Frampton (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2019). 102 pages; 4.5" x 6.5". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-46-3. Price: $15.00 from www.redmoonpress.com.

Fraticelli, Marco

Drifting, by Marco Fraticelli. (Canada: Catkin Press, 2013). 88 pages; 5 x7. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound, ISBN 978-0- 9880784-4-4, Price: US$10.00 plus postage. Inquire of the publisher at <claudiaradmore@gmail.com> or the author at <kingsroadpress@hotmail.com>.

Dear Elsa, by Marco Fraticelli (Canada, Red Deer Press, 2023). 240 pages; 5.25 × 7.25. Four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-889956-86-5. Price: $14.95 from online booksellers.

Friedenberg, Jay

One Rock Out of Place, by Jay Friedenberg (United Kingdom: Alba Publishing, 2013). 40 pages; 8 1⁄4 x 5 3⁄4. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9575265-5-6. Price: $12.00 from <www. albapublishing.com>.

Friedman, Abigail

The Haiku Apprentice: Memoirs of Writing Poetry in Japan, by Abigail Friedman, foreword by Michael Dylan Welch (Berkeley, Calif.: Stone Bridge Press, 2006). 224 pages, 5 ½" x 8", perfectbound. ISBN 1- 933330-04-X. $14.95.

Friedman, S. B.

No Clues, by S.B. Friedman (Greenfield, Mass.: Tribe Press, 2005). 2 pages, 15 x 4, letterpress-printed, hand-bound, accordion-folded. No ISBN. $4.00 postpaid from the author at 119 Nevada St., San Francisco, CA 94110.

Fukutomi, Tateo

Straw Hat, by Tateo Fukutomi (Mortagne-au-Perche, France: Imprimerie, 2004). ISBN 2-9521344-0-5. 52 pages, 9½ x51/2½, perfectbound. $20.00 postpaid. From the author at 80 Yanosaki-Cho, Miyazaki-shi Japan, 880-0034.

Gallagher, D. Claire

How Fast the Ground Moves, by D. Claire Gallagher; ISBN 1-893823-12-1. (Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2002). Each 20 pages, 5.5" x 4.25", stapled. $4.50 plus 60¢ postage from Saki Press, 1021 Gregory, Normal, IL 61761-4236.

Galasso, William Scott

Full Moon Serenade by William Scott Galasso. (Issaquah, Wash.: Galwin Press, 2001). 112 pages, paper, perfectbound. $12.00 postpaid from the author at 10129 NW 113th Place, Kirkland, WA 98033.

Saffron Skies, by William Scott Galasso (Laguna Woods, Calif.: Gal- win Press, 2022). 127 pages; 6× 9. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-732752-73-3. Price: $16.95 from online booksellers.

Vermilion Falling: Haiku & Senryu by William Scott Galasso (Issaquah, Wash.: Galwin Press, 1994). 48 pages, paper. $7.00 postpaid from the author at 10129 NW 113th Place, Kirkland, WA 98033.

Galmitz, Jack

Za vrabec / For a Sparrow: Haiku by Jack Galmitz. Translations into Macedonian by Igor Isakovski (Skopje, Macedonia: Blesok, 2007). 158 pages, 10cm x 15cm, card covers, perfectbound. In Macedonian and English. ISBN 978-9989-928-63-0. $10.00; order from <http://www.blesok.com.mk>

Gander, Forrest

Core Samples from the World, by Forrest Gander (New York: New Directions, 2011). 95 pages; 6 x9. Paperback. ISBN 978-0- 811218-87-0. Price: $15.95 from booksellers.

Gay, Garry

Floating Dreams edited by Gary Gay; Two Autumns Press; available from Haiku Poets of Northern California, c/o Fay Aoyagi, 930 Pine St., #105, San Francisco, CA 94108; 2001, 24 pp., paper, $7 ppd.

Gendrano, Victor

Rustle of Bamboo Leaves, by Victor P. Gendrano (Morrisville, N.C.: Lulu Enterprises, 2005). 227 pages, 6" x 9", perfectbound. No ISBN. $19.

Gilbert, Richard

Poems of Consciousness: Contemporary Japanese & English-Language Haiku in Cross-Cultural Perspective, by Richard Gilbert (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2008). 302 pages; 5 I´´ x 8 H´´. Glossy four-color card cover; perfectbound. ISBN 1-978-893959-72-9. $27.95 from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22504-1661. Includes a DVD of interviews with contemporary Japanese haiku poets and a copy of the 2008 Gendai Haiku Web site in English and German.

Poetry as Consciousness: Haiku Forests, Space of Mind, and an Ethics of Freedom, by Richard Gilbert, illustrated by Sabine Miller (Japan: Keibunsha, 2018). 294 pages; 6 × 8.5. Cloth cover hardback; sewn spine. IBN 978-4-86330-189-4. Price: $38.00 USD.

Gill, Robin D

“Rise, Ye Sea Slugs!”: A Theme from In Praise of Olde Haiku, with Many More Poems and Fine Elaboration, by Robin D. Gill (Key Biscayne, Fla.: Paraverse Press, 2003). 480 pages, 7.5½ x 9.5½. ISBN 0-9742618-0-7 (paperback). $25.00 from booksellers.Lost Heian, edited by Stephen Henry Gill and Hisashi Miyazaki (Kansai, Japan: Hailstone Haiku Circle, 2003). 104 unnumbered pages; 13 cm x 18 cm; perfectbound. ISBN 4-9900822-1-4. $10.00 postpaid from Hisashi Miyazaki, 54-16 Hamuro-cho, Takatsuki-shi, Osaka 569-1147, Japan.

Gill, Stephen Henry and Hisashi Miyazaki

Lost Heian, edited by Stephen Henry Gill and Hisashi Miyazaki (Kansai, Japan: Hailstone Haiku Circle, 2003). 104 unnumbered pages; 13 cm x 18 cm; perfectbound. ISBN 4-9900822-1-4. $10.00 postpaid from Hisashi Miyazaki, 54-16 Hamuro-cho, Takatsuki-shi, Osaka 569-1147, Japan.

Gilli, Ferris

Shaped by the Wind, by Ferris Gilli (Liverpool, England: Snapshot Press, 2006). 80 pages; 5 x 7 . Semigloss color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-16-0. $20.00 from the publisher.

Goldberg, Natalie

Three Simple Lines: A Writer's Pilgrimage into the Heart and Homeland of Haiku, by Natalie Goldberg. (Novato, California: New World Library, 2021). 160 pages, 5.5 x 8.5. Hardback. ISBN 978-1-60868- 697-1.

Goodrich, Bud

Rhubarb: The Collected Haiku of Bud Goodrich (Evanston, Ill.: Deep North Press, 2003), 42 unnumbered pages, 5H½ x 5H½, saddle-stapled. ISBN 1-929116-9-8. $8.00 postpaid in the U.S. from Deep North Press, 2634 Prairie Ave., Evanston, IL 60201. (Make checks to “Charles Trumbull” please.)

Gourlay, Caroline

Lull Before Dark, by Caroline Gourlay (Decatur, Ill.: Brooks Books, 2005). 64 pages, 5"  x  6.5", perfectbound. ISBN 1-929820-09-7. $10 plus $2.50 postage from Brooks Books, 3720 N Woodridge Drive, Decatur, IL 62526, or order online at <http://www.brooksbookshaiku.com>.

Grant, Benedict

Winterizing, by Benedict Grant (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2024). 130 pages; 4.25 ×6.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-958408-41-4. Price: $20.00 from www. redmoonpress.com

Grayson, David

Discovering Fire, by David Grayson (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2016). 155 pages; 51⁄4" x 73⁄4". Glossy orange and black card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-59-1. Price: $15.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Greene, Roland, editor in chief

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry & Poetics, by Roland Greene, editor in chief, and Stephen Cushman, general editor (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2012). 4th ed. 1,637 pages; 7 x10. Semigloss white card covers; Smythe-sewn. ISBN 978-0- 691154-91-6. Price: $49.50 from booksellers.

Grumman, Bob

From Haiku to Lyriku: A Participant’s Impressions of a Portion of Post-2000 North American Kernular Poetry, by Bob Grumman (Port Charlotte, Fla.: The Runaway Spoon Press, 2007). 256 pages; 5 x 8. Glossy gray-green cover; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-57141-076-7. $20.00 from the author/publisher at <http://bobgrumman.com/FromHaikuToLyriku/>.

Gurga, Lee

Autumn Mosquito, by Lee Gurga (Lincoln, Ill.: Modern Haiku Press, 2005). 18 pages, 4" x 5", letterpress printed, hand bound. No ISBN. $5 postpaid from Modern Haiku Press, PO Box 68, Lincoln, IL 62656.

Without Syntax, by Lee Gurga (Champaign, Il.: Modern Haiku Press, 2020). 32 pages; 4.25×5.5. Glossy four-color card covers; saddle- stapled. ISBN 978-0-9600855-3-8. Price: $4.00 from www.modern-haiku.org.

Gurga, Lee & Scott Metz, Editors

Haiku 21: An Anthology of Contemporary English-language Haiku, edited by Lee Gurga and Scott Metz (Lincoln, Ill.: Modern Haiku Press, 2011). 205 pages; 5 x 8. Semigloss black card covers with four-color illustration; gray endpapers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-974189-45-1. Price: $20.00 from the publisher at <http://www.modernhaiku.org/mhbooks/Haiku21.html>.

Hakutani, Yoshinobu

Jack Kerouac and the Traditions of Classic and Modern Haiku, by Yoshinobu Hakutani (New York: Lexington Books, 2019). 193 pages; 6 x 9". Glossy four-color hardcover. ISBN 978-1-4985-5827-3. Price: $68.85+ from online booksellers.

Hall, Carolyn

Cricket Dusk, by Carolyn Hall (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2020). 104 pages; 4.25 × 6.5. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-59-3. Price: $15.00 from www. tinyurl.com/cricketdusk

How to Paint the Finch's Song, by Carolyn Hall (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2010). 80 unnumbered pages; 4x6. Semigloss four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-893959-94-1. Price: $12.00 from the publisher at <www.redmoon.com>.

Water Lines, by Carolyn Hall (Waterloo, U.K.: Snapshots Press, 2006). 80 pages. 5 x 7.75. Paper covers; perfectbound. ISBN 1-903543-17-7. $20.00 postpaid from Snapshot Press, PO Box 132, Waterloo, Liverpool, l22 8WZ, U.K., or from <snapshotpress.co.uk>

Hardy, Jackie

Haiku: Poetry Ancient & Modern, edited by Jackie Hardy (London: MQ Publications, 2002). 256 pages, 6" x 6", clothbound. ISBN 1-840723-07-6. $20.00 from Amazon.com.

Hazen, Elizabeth

Back Roads with a White Cane, by Elizabeth Hazen; ISBN 1-893823-13-X. (Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2002). Each 20 pages, 5.5" x 4.25", stapled. $4.50 plus 60¢ postage from Saki Press, 1021 Gregory, Normal, IL 61761-4236.

Herold, Christopher

Inside Out, by Christopher Herold (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2010). 102 unnumbered pages; 5.5 x7. Matte tan card covers; black endpapers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-893959-96-5. Price: $12.00+ s&h from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

High, Graham

A Silver Tapestry: The Best of 25 Years of Critical Writing from the British Haiku Society, ed. by Graham High. Selected by Jon Baldwin and Margery Newlove (United Kingdom: The British Haiku Society, 2015). 265 pages; 5 3⁄4 x 8 3⁄4. Glossy white and black card covers; French flaps; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-906333-03-4. Price: $17.00 from the www.britishhaikusociety.org.uk.

Under the Edge of the Horizon, by Graham High (London, England: Ram Publications, 2004). 39 pages, 4½ x 7½, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9545630-5-0. $7.00 postpaid from the author, 12 Eliot Vale, Blackheath, London SE3 0UW, England.

Hirai, Masako

Now, To Be! Shiki’s Haiku Moments for Us Today / Ima, ikiru! Shiki no sekai edited by Masako Hirai (Osaka: U-Time, 2003), 56 pages, 21.5 cm x 30.5 cm, perfectbound. ISBN 4-86010-040-9 C0093. ¥2,800 plus tax and postage from booksellers, or U-Time Publishing, Inc., 1-5-3 Takaida-Nishi, Higashi-Osaka 577-0067, Japan.

Hisajo, Sugita.

Lips Licked Clean: Selected Haiku of Sugita Hisajo, trans. Alice Wanderer (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2021). 152 pages; 4.25 ×6.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-85-2. Price: $20.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Hotham, Gary

Odor of Rain, by Gary Hotham (St. Paul, Minn.: Juniper Press, 2004). 16 pages, 3½ x 4½, letterpress printed, hand-bound and sewn. ISBN 1-55780-169-X. Edition limited to 150 copies. $5.00 ppd from Juniper Press, PO Box 8037, St. Paul, MN 55108.

Nothing More Happens in the 20th Century: Haiku Dangers, by Gary Hotham (San Antonio, Texas: Pecan Grove Press, 2011). 42 pages; 5 x8. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. Price: $8.00 from the author at 10460 Stansfield Rd, Scaggsville MD 20723.

Stone’s Throw: Promises of Mere Words, by Gary Hotham (Montrose, Colo: Pinyon Publishing, 2016). 105 pages; 51⁄4" x 8". Glossy blue card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936671-33-5. Price: $16.00 from www.pinyon-publishing.com

Huth, Geof

an/thology of pwoermds, edited by Geof Huth (Port Charlotte, Fla.: Runaway Spoon Press, 2004). 104 pages; 5.5 x 8; paperback, perfectbound. ISBN: 1-57141-065-1. $10.00 from the publisher at 1708 Hayworth Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33952.


Ikuya’s Haiku with Codrescu’s Haiga, edited and translated by Ito Isao, haiga by Ion Codrescu (Japan: Ronso-sha, 2015), 162 pages. Hardcover. ISBN 978-4-8460-1424-7. Price: ¥2,700 from online booksellers.

Issa, Kobayashi

Pure Land Haiku: The Art of Priest Issa, by David G. Lanoue (Reno, Nev.: Buddhist Books International, 2004). 143 pages, 5.5 x 8.5. ISBN 0914910531. $12.95.

Issa, Kobayashi

Dew on the Grass: The Life and Poetry of Kobayashi Issa, by Makoto Ueda. Brill’s Japanese Studies Library 20 (Leiden, Neth.: Brill Academic Publishers, 2004). xi+194 pages, 6.5 x 9.75; hardbound. ISBN 9004137238. $79.00.

Jenkins, Karl

Requiem, by Karl Jenkins. Performed by West Kazakhstan Philharmonic Orchestra. 2005. Compact disc. EMI 7243 5 57966 2 2. Available in music stores or online.

Jenkins, Nigel and Ken Jones, and Lynne Rees, Editors

Another Country: Haiku Poetry from Wales, edited by Nigel Jenkins, Ken Jones, and Lynne Rees (Llandysul, Ceredigion, Wales: Gomer Press, 2011). 176 pages; 5x7. Semigloss four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-2-848513-06-8. Price: £9.99 from the publisher at <www.gomer.co.uk>.

Johnson, Jeffrey

Haiku Poetics in Twentieth-Century Avant-Garde Poetry, by Jeffrey Johnson (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa./Portsmith, England: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2011). 262 pages; 6.5 x 9.5. Hardcover. ISBN 978-0-7391-4876-1 (hardback); 978-0-7391-7104-2 (e-book). Price: $70.00 + $5.00 shipping & handling from the publisher at <orders@rowman.com>.

Jones, Ken

Arrow of Stones, Haibun by Ken Jones, with Japanese translations by Nobuyuki Yuasa and Akiko Sakaguchi (Essex, England: British Haiku Society, 2002). 5.75" x 6.25", 64 pages, perfect softbound. ISBN 0-95223974-4. £5.00, ¥1,000 ($10.00 postpaid airmail printed paper rate to the USA) from The BHS Bookshop, Sinodun, Shalford, Essex CM7 5.5N, United Kingdom.

Stallion’s Crag: Haiku and Haibun by Ken Jones (North Shields, England: Iron Press, 2003). 104 pages; 14.7 cm x 10.6 cm; paperback; ISBN 0-906228-84-0; $15.00 (cash) from Iron Press, 5 Marden Terrace, Cullercoats, North Shields, NE30 4PD, U.K.

Jones, Noragh

Stone Circles: Haiku and Haiku Prose, by Noragh Jones (Cwmrheidol, Wales: Pilgrim Press, 2004). 76 pages; 5.5 x 8; paperback, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9539901-2-5. List price £6.00 from Amazon.co.uk or $12.00, or for further ordering information contact the publisher at Troed Rhiw Sebon, Cwmrheidol, Aberystwyth, SY23 3NB Wales.

Juras, Zlatko I.

Haiku u Dalmaciji: izbor—eseji (Haiku in Dalmatia:Selection—Essays) edited by Zlatko I. Juras (Split, Croatia: Matica hrvatska, n.d. [2002]). In Croatian with some English. 190 pages, paper, perfectbound 5.5½ x 8½. ISBN 953-98687-0-X. $19.00 postpaid, from Ivan Tadej, Marasovica 18A, 21000 Split, Croatia.

Kacian, Jim

After Image, by Jim Kacian (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2017). 118 pages; 5x8. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-03-6. Price $20.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Kacian, Jim, Editor

Big Sky: The Red Moon Anthology 2006, edited by Jim Kacian et al. (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2007). 176 pages, 5 x 8, perfectbound. ISBN 1-893959-60-0. $20.95 postpaid from the publisher, PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22604

the loose thread, edited by Jim Kacian et al. (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2002). 156 pages, perfectbound, 5.5" x 8.375". ISBN 1-893959-26-0. $14 + shipping from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22604-1661.

Inside the Mirror: The 2005 Red Moon Anthology of English-language Haiku, edited by Jim Kacian (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2006). 184 pages, 5" x 8", perfectbound. ISBN 1-893959-53-8. $16.95 plus $4.00 postage from Red Moon Press, PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22504.

Around the World as Briefly as Possible, by Jim Kacian (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2006). Compact disk. Inquire of the author at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22604.

Kacian, Jim and Anthony J. Pupello, Editors

A Dozen Tongues 2001: Our Vanishing Wilderness edited by Jim Kacian as Project Creator, Anthony J. Pupello as Project Editor and Tom Swanton as Project Artist; Red Moon Press, P. 0. Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22604; 2001, 32 pp., paper, $10 (profits to The Nature Conservancy).

Kacian, Jim and Dee Evetts

A New Resonance 2: Emerging Voices in English-Language Haiku edited by Jim Kacian and Dee Evetts (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2001). 176 pages, paper, perfectbound, 5.25" x 8.25". $14.95 (plus $3.00 postage) from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22504-1661.

Kacian, Jim and Bruce Ross & Ken Jones, Editors

Summer Dreams: American Haibun & Haiga, Volume 3, edited by Jim Kacian, Bruce Ross, and Ken Jones (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2002). 128 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, perfectbound. ISBN: 1-893959-27-9. $14.95 (plus $3.00 postage) from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22504-1661.

Kacian, Jim, Phillip Rowland, and Allan Burns, Editors

Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years, edited by Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland, and Allan Burns (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013). 424 pages; 51⁄4 x71⁄2.

Kai, Hasegawa

Okinawa, by Hasegawa Kai. Translations by David Burleigh and Tanaka Kimiyo (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2018). 102 pages; 5 × 7.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-22-7. Price: $15.00 from www.redmoonpress.com.

Kanematsu, Satoru

Four Seasons, by Satoru Kanematsu (Japan: Gakhôsha, 2017). 73 pages; 5.75 × 8.25. Glossy black and white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-4-990732-01-4. Price: inquire of the author

Karkow, Kirsty

Shorelines: Haiku, Haibun and Tanka, by Kirsty Karkow (Eldersburg, Md.: Black Cat Press, 2007). 132 pages, 5x6.5, soft covers, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9766407-5-9. $15.95 postpaid in the US and Canada ($20.00 to other countries) from the author at 34 Indian Point, Waldoboro, ME 04572.

Water Poems: Haiku, Tanka, and Sijo, by Kirsty Karkow (Eldersburg, Md.: Black Cat Press, 2005). 130 pages, 6½ x 5½, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9766407-0-8. $15.95 postpaid from the author, 34 Indian Point, Waldoboro, ME 04572.

Kaur, Arvinder

Dandelion Seeds: Haiku, Senryu & Tanka, by Arvinder Kaur (Ludhiana, India: Aesthetic Publications, 2015). 129 pages; 17.5 cm; 4 3⁄4 x 6 3⁄4. Semigloss four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-93-83092-42-0. Price: Rs. 275 from online booksellers

Kern, Adam L.

The Penguin Book of Haiku, ed. and trans. by Adam L. Kern (Unit- ed Kingdom: Penguin Random House, 2018). 451 pages; 5 × 7.75. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-140-42476- 8. Price: $18.00 from online booksellers.

Kerouac, Jack.

Book of Haikus, by Jack Kerouac. Edited and with an introduction by Regina Weinreich (New York: Penguin Poets, 2003). xxxix+200 pages, 4.5" x 6.5", perfectbound. ISBN 0-14-200264-X. $13.00 in bookstores.

Kimura, Toshio

Phantasm of Flowers, by Toshio Kimura (London: Stylograph, 2002). 48 pages, 5.75 x 8.5, perfectbound. No ISBN. $12.00 in bills or International Postal Money Order postpaid from the author at 4-31-8 Seijo Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 157-0066, Japan.

Kirschner, Joe

Inside Out: Haiku and Dreams, by Joseph Kirschner (Evanston, Ill.: Deep North Press, 2003). 88 pages; 8½ x 5.5½; paperback; perfectbound. ISBN 1-929116-10-1. $20.00 postpaid from the author at 2157 Ridge Ave, 2D, Evanston IL 60201.

Koi, Nagata

A Dream Like This World: One Hundred Haiku by Nagata Koi translated by Nana Naruto and Margaret Mitsutani. Nana Naruto, 4-3-6, Toyosumi, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-0071, Japan. 2000, 148 pp., cloth, $20.00. Add $7.50 for air mail or $4.50 by sea mail. ISBN: 4-924828-65-3.

Kolodji, Deborah P

Highway of Sleeping Towns, by Deborah P Kolodji (Pasadena, Calif.: Shabda Press, 2016). 114 pages; 6" x 9". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-9915772-3-1. Price: $16.00 from online booksellers

Seaside Moon, by Deborah P. Kolodji. ISBN 1-893823-17-2. Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2005. 5.25 x 4.5, saddle-stapled. Available for $5.00 each (plus postage each $0.60 U.S., $0.98 Canada/Mexico, or $2.55 overseas) from Saki Press (checks payable to “Lenore Hutton”), 1021 West Gregory, Normal, IL 61761.

Vital Signs, by Deborah P Kolodji (Lakewood, Ohio: Cuttlefish Books, 2024). 88 pages; 4 × 6. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-7350257-8-0. Price: $10.00 from www.cuttlefishbooks

Kopitzke, David

Pen & Brush, edited by David Kopitzke (Richland Center, Wis.: Hummingbird Press, 2005). 54 pages, 5" x 5", handsewn. ISBN 0-9629902-9-9. $15 postpaid from the editor at 15490 Bur Oak Lane, Richland Center, WI 53581.

Kovacevic, Marinko

Predan Puti (Commited To the Road) by Marinko Kovacevic, translated by Visnja McMaster; from the author: Severin na Kupi 10, 51329 Severin na Kupi, Croatia; 2000, 130 pp., paper, write for price and acceptable method(s) of payment.

Krebs, Gérard

The Soundless Dance: Haiku, by Gérard Krebs (Spalding, Lincs: Hub Editions, 2017). 66 pages; 20.5 cm; 5.5" x 8". Glossy oversize tan card wrappers with four-color image; pasted aps; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-957646-08-7. Price: UK£6.50 from the publisher.

Krivcher, Rich, Editor

Still Singing by Kay Anderson, paul m., Earl Johnson, and Michael McClintock. Edited by Rich Krivcher; artwork by Claudia Chapline. San Francisco, Calif.: Two Autumns Press, 2002. 30 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, saddle-stapled. $8.00 from Two Autumns Press, 478 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94110.

Krumins, Anita

Susurrus, by Anita Krumins (Toronto: Inspress, 2013). 56 pages; 51⁄2”x81⁄2” .Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9881179-1-4. $10.00 CAD/USD from the publisher at <www.inspressnet.webss.com>

Kudryavitsky, Anatoly, Editor

Bamboo Dreams: An Anthology of Haiku Poetry from Ireland, edited by Anatoly Kudryavitsky (Tralee, Ireland: Doghouse Books, 2012). 93 pages; 5 x 7.5. Glossy white and four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-957207-32-5. Price: $12.00 from the publisher at <http://www.doghousebooks.ie>.

LaCure, Jon

The Chrysanthemum and the Scissors: Haiku, Zen, and Traditional Japanese Verse by Jon LaCure (No place: Independently published, 2017). 171 pages, 6 ×9 . Four-color glossy covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-520290-67-6. Price: $6.99 from online booksellers

Lang, Evelyn

October Stone Journal, by Evelyn Lang (Deerfield, N.H.: Turtle Pond Books, 2005). 60 pages, 8.5" x 5 .5", perfectbound. ISBN 0-9767298-TXT. $15 postpaid from the author at 111 Nottingham Road, Deerfield, NH 03037.

L'Association Française de Haïku

From One Sky to Another: Haiku Anthology of the European Union, edited by L'Association Française de Haïku (Seichamps, France: Éditions de l'Association Française de Haïku, 2006). 296 pages; 14.5 cm x 20.5 cm. Paper covers; perfecbound. ISBN 2-9522178-0-7. $28.00, US $25.00, Can $28.00, from the editors at 14 rue Molière, 54280 Seichamps, France.

Lee, Catherine J.S.

All That Remains, by Catherine J.S. Lee (Highland Park, N.J.: Turtle Light Press, 2011). 30 pages; 5x4. Fine press edition. ISBN 978-0-9748147-2-8. Price: $17.95 from the publisher at PO Box 1405, Highland Park NJ 08904.

Lehman, Kat and Robin Smith, Editors

Sea Change: An Anthology of Single-Line Poems, eds. Kat Lehmann and Robin Smith (Wilmington, Del.: Whiptail Press, 2024). 97 pages; 8.25× 8.25. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-951675-10-3. Price: $15.00 from their partner www.redmoon- press.com.

Lilly, Rebecca

Elements of a Life, by Rebecca Lilly (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2014). 140 pages; 4.25" x 6.5". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-34-8. Price: $12.00 from www. redmoonpress.com.

Shadwell Hills, by Rebecca Lilly, with wood engravings by Frank C. Eckmair (Delhi, N.Y.: Birch Brook Press, 2002). 72 pages; 5.5" x 8.5" perfectbound. ISBN 0-193559-79-2. $16 from the publisher at PO Box 81, Delhi, NY, 13753.Late Geese Up a Dry Fork, by Burnell Lippy (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2003), 64 unnumbered pages, 4.5½ x 8½, perfectbound. ISBN 1-893959-35-X. $12.00 + $3.00 postage and handling from Red Moon Press at P.O. Box 2461, Winchester VA, 22604-1661.

Lippey, Burnell

Late Geese Up a Dry Fork, by Burnell Lippy (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2003), 64 unnumbered pages, 4.5½ x 8½, perfectbound. ISBN 1-893959-35-X. $12.00 + $3.00 postage and handling from Red Moon Press at P.O. Box 2461, Winchester VA, 22604-1661.

Lucas, Martin

Moonrock, by Martin Lucas (Ilseworth, Middlesex, England: Ram Publications, 2002). 36 pages, 4" x 6", perfectbound, dust jacket. ISBN 0-9511386-4-2. $7.00 in U.S. bills, from the author at 90 D Fishergate Hill, Preston PR1 8JD, U.K.

Luckring, Eve

The Tender Between, by Eve Luckring (Princeton, N.J.: Ornithopter Press, 2018). 90 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-942723-05-9. Price $16.00 from www. ornithopterpress.com.

Lucky, Bob

Ethiopian Time, by Bob Lucky (St. Paul, Minn.: Red Bird Chapbooks, 2014). 48 pages; 5.5" x 7". Matte four-color card covers; saddle-stapled. No ISBN. Price: $12.00 from www.redbirdchapbooks.com.

Lyles, Peggy Willis

To Hear the Rain: Selected Haiku of Peggy Lyles. Edited by Randy M. Brooks (Decatur, Ill: Brooks Books, 2002). Hardcover, 5.5" x 8.5". 127 pages. ISBN 1-929820-03-8. Available for $22.00 + $2.50 postage and handling from the publisher at 3720 N. Woodridge Dr., Decatur, IL 62526.

Where Rain Would Stay: The Haiku Poetry of Peggy Willis Lyles, eds. John Barlow and Ferris Gilli (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2022). 240 pages; 5.5×8.5. Matte four-color wrappers; hardcover. ISBN 978-1-903543-45-0. Price: $50.00 from www.snapshotpress.co.uk

Machmiller, Patricia

Blush of Winter Moon: Haiku by Patricia J. Machmiller, with sumi-e by Mary Hill (San Jose, CA: Jacaranda Press, 2001). 98 pages, paper, perfectbound, 8 1/2" x 9"; $18.00 postpaid from the author at 1963 Josephine Ave., San Jose, CA 95124.

Utopia: She Hurries On, haiku and illustrations by Patricia J. Machmiller (No place [San Jose, Calif.]: Swamp Press, 2017). 55 pages; 5x7. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN: 978-1-64008-048-5. Price: $15.00 from the author at patriciajmachmiller@ msn.com

MacNeil, Paul W.

The Onawa Poems, 1999–2008, edited by Paul W. MacNeil (Monson, Maine: Ship Pond Press, 2009). 41 pages; 5x8. Four-color card cover; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-615294-49-0. Price: $11.00 from the publisher at PO Box 294, Monson ME 04464.

Major, Robert

Coasting Through Puddles, by Robert Major; ISBN 1-893823-14-8. (Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2002). Each 20 pages, 5.5" x 4.25", stapled. $4.50 plus 60¢ postage from Saki Press, 1021 Gregory, Normal, IL 61761-4236.

Mahoney, Hannah

Shifting Light, by Hannah Mahoney (Durham, N.C.: Backbone Press, 2022). 32 pages; 5×7. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-7363467-6-1. Price: $10.00 from www.backbonepress.org.

Manley, Curtis

Climbing the Volcano, by Curtis Manley, with illustrations by Jennifer Mann (New York: Neal Porter Books, 2024). 48 pages; 11.25×8.25. Glossy full-color card covers; hardback. ISBN 978-0-8234-5166-1. Price: $18.99 from booksellers.

Marshall, Ian

Border Crossing: Walking the Haiku Path on the International Appalachian Trail, by Ian Marshall (Pawcatuck, Conn.: Hiraeth Press, 2012). 291 pages; 5 x 8. Semigloss dark brown and light green card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-983585-25-1. Price: $17.95 from the publisher at <http://www.hiraethpress.com>.

Walden by Haiku, by Ian Marshall (Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 2009). 272 pages; 5x 9. Hardbound with cinnamon-colored cloth. ISBN 0-820332-88-7; 978-0-820332-88-8. $28.95 from booksellers.

Martin, Jeannie

Shaped by the Sun, by Jeannie Martin (Windsor, Conn.: Buddha Baby Press, 2023). 68 pages; 4.5× 5.75. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectound. No ISBN. $12.00 from Bottle Rockets Press, P.O. Box 189, Windsor, CT 06095.

Martone, John

Ksana: Collected Poems 2005–2009, by John Martone (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2009). 208 pages; 6x9. Glossy tan card covers; black endpapers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-893959-84-2. Price: $12.00 from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester VA 22604.

thistle by John Martone: Dogwood & Honeysuckle, but from the author: 325 W. Tyler #B, Charleston, IL 61920-1865: 2001; 24 pp., 3 x 4 inches, paper, $3, ppd.

countless buddha fields by John Martone: Dogwood & Honeysuckle, but from the author: 325 W. Tyler #B, Charleston, IL 61920-1865: 2001; 24 pp., 3 x 4 inches, paper, $3, ppd.

Tumulus, by John Martone (Charleston, Ill.: Dogwood & Honeysuckle, 2006). 70 pages. 5.25 x 4.25. Paper covers; softbound, saddle-stapled. No ISBN. Free from the author at 1031 Tenth St., Charleston, IL 61920-2823.

Molecular Lament (2012; 193 pages); Torus (2012, 45 pages); Perlerorneq (2013, 97 pages), all by John Martone (No place [Charleston, Ill.]: Samuddo/Ocean); 4x7, no ISBNs. Inquire about price at <johnmartone@gmail.com>. All three of these books are also available online at Scribd, www.scribd.com/john-martone-2968/documents.

Mason, Scott

Gratitude in the Time of Covid-19: The Haiku Hecameron, ed. Scott Mason (Chappaqua, New York: Girasole Press, 2020). 234 pages; 5 × 7.25. Matte four-color cover; hardcover. ISBN 978-1-64970- 619-4. Price: $24.95 from www.thewondercode.com.

The Wonder Code: Discover the Way of Haiku and See the World with New Eyes, by Scott Mason (Chappaqua, N.Y.: Girasole Press, 2017). 370 pages; 18.5 cm; 5.25" x 7.25". Hardbound; semigloss white board covers; Smythe-sewn. ISBN 978-0-692930-35-9. Price: $24.95 from www.thewondercode.com

Matthiesen, Sys

Små silhuetter: Haiku antologi, edited by Sys Matthiesen ([Vordingborg,] Denmark: Attika, 2005). 88 pages. 147 x 207 mm, perfectbound. ISBN 87-7528-615-7. No price information; contact Hanne Hansen, Ringstedgade, 1, 3. ter, 2100 Copenhagen 9, Denmark.

McAdoo, Brynne

Venus in View, by Brynne McAdoo (Wethersfield, Conn.: Bottle Rockets Press, 2005). 39 pages, 4" x 5", saddle-stapled. No ISBN. $6 postpaid ($7 Canada & Mexico, $8 everywhere else) from Stanford M. Forrester, PO Box 290691, Wethersfield, CT 06129.

McCauley, Joseph P.

Natural Haiku, by Joseph P. McCauley. ISBN 1-893823-18-0. Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2005. 5.25 x 4.5, saddle-stapled. Available for $5.00 each (plus postage each $0.60 U.S., $0.98 Canada/Mexico, or $2.55 overseas) from Saki Press (checks payable to “Lenore Hutton”), 1021 West Gregory, Normal, IL 61761.

McClintock, Michael

Letters In Time, by Michael McClintock (South Pasadena, Calif.: Hermitage West, 2005). 78 pages, 5.25 x 6.75, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9770259-0-X. $10.00 postpaid from Hermitage West, PO Box 124, South Pasadena, CA 91031.

McGee, Margaret

Haiku—The Sacred Art: A Spiritual Practice in Three Lines, by Margaret D. McGee (Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths, 2010). 160 pages; 5.5 x8. Glossy color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-594732-69-0. Price: $16.99 from the publisher at <http://www. skylightpaths.com> and from booksellers.

Metz, Scott

Ea’s e, by Scott Metz (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2022). 230 pages; 6×9. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-95-1. Price: $20.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Lakes & Now Wolves, by Scott Metz (Lincoln, Ill.: Modern Haiku Press, 2012). 61 pages; 5.5 x8. Four-color semigloss card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-974189-49-9. Price: $15.00 from the publisher at <http://www.modernhaiku.org>.

A Sealed Jar of Mustard Seeds, by Scott Metz. Issue 9 (2009) of ant ant ant ant ant, edited by Chris Gordon. Unnumbered pages; 5  x 8. No ISBN. Price: SAE with 76¢ stamp, from the editor at 760 Cherry Ave., Eugene OR 97404.

The Youngest Ones, by Scott Metz (Greenfield, Mass.: Tribe Press, 2005). 2 pages, 15" x 4", letterpress printed, hand bound, accordion folded. No ISBN. $4 postpaid (cash only) from Rob Marsteller, 919 N 18th Street, Allentown, PA 18104.

Miller, Paul

Called Home, by paul m. (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2006). 92 unnumbered pages; 4 ¼" x 6 ½"; paperback, perfectbound. $12.00 from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester VA 22604.

finding the way: haiku and field notes by paul m. (Foster City, Calif.: Press Here, 2002). 56 poems, 4 field notes. Introduction by the author. 4" x 5.5", saddle-stitched, with a heavy illustrated wrapper. ISBN 1-878798-25-1. $6.00 postpaid in the United States, or $7.00 elsewhere, from Press Here, P.O. Box 3339, Redmond, WA 98073-3339.

Witness Tree, by paul m. (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2020). 96 pages; 5 × 7.75. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-51-1. Price: £12.99 from www.snapshotpress.co.uk

Miller, Paul Russel

The Wild Beyond Echoing: James Hackett’s Haiku Way, by Paul Russell Miller (United Kingdom: Grandad Publishing, 2021). 146 pages; 5.75 × 8.25. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1- 9995931-4-8. Price: $15.00 from the author at pr.miller@live.co.uk.

Mimica, Zoran

Without Keys: Haiku Poems with Love, by Zoran Mimica (No place [Winchester, Va.]: PyTau Press, 2012). 72 pages; 5x7. Glossy moss green and four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848- 13-3. Price: $12.00+s&h from <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

Minora, Ozawa, Editor

Well-Versed: Exploring Modern Japanese Haiku by Ozawa Minoru, translated by Janine Beichman, with photographs by Maeda Shinzo and Akira (Tokyo: Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture / JPIC, 2021). 376 pages; 8.5 x 6. Hardcover, ISBN 978-4-86658- 179-8

Miura, Yuzuru

Classic Haiku: A Master’s Selection translated by Yuzuru Miura; Tuttle; 2001 (1991), 120 pp., paper, $14.95.Just Enough Light: Haiku and Tanka, by June Moreau (Saint Martin de Castillon, France: Koyama Press, 2000). 36 pages, 13½ x 10½, hand bound and sewn. $15.00 plus $7.00 airmail postage from Giselle Maya, Koyama Press, 84750 Saint Martin de Castillon, France or <giselle.maya@wanadoo.fr>.

Miyashita, Emiko, Editor

The New Pond: An English-language Haiku Anthology, edited and translated by Emiko Miyashita (Tokyo: Hokumeisha, 2002). In Japanese, with haiku in English. 128 pages, 6" x 7.75", perfectbound. ISBN 4-89448-319-X. $18.00 from Brooks Books, 3720 Woodridge Dr., Decatur, IL 62526; or available online at: http://www.brooksbookshaiku.com/newpond.html

Modern Haiku Association

The Haiku Universe for the 21st Century, edited by Modern Haiku Association (Tokyo: Modern Haiku Association, 2008). 217 pages; 6x8. Matte beige card covers; white wrappers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-4-816107-12-2. Price: $25.00.

Moldovan, Vasile

Ikebana, by Vasile Moldovan (Târgu Mures, România: Editura Orion, 2005). In English. 65 pages, 5.5 x 8, perfectbound. ISBN 973-8020-66-2. $15.00 postpaid from the author at Str. Birnova, Nr.8, B1.M.110, Ap.9, Cod-051164, Bucharest, Romania.

Moreau, June

Just Enough Light: Haiku and Tanka, by June Moreau (Saint Martin de Castillon, France: Koyama Press, 2000). 36 pages, 13½ x 10½, hand bound and sewn. $15.00 plus $7.00 airmail postage from Giselle Maya, Koyama Press, 84750 Saint Martin de Castillon, France or <giselle.maya@wanadoo.fr>.

Moss. Ron

The Bone Carver, by Ron C. Moss (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2014). 112 pages; 5"x7.75". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-32-0. Price: $23.00 from www. snapshotpress.co.uk

Broken Starfish: Haiku and Ink Paintings, by Ron C. Moss (Australia: Walleah Press, 2019). 131 pages; 5.25 × 8.25. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-877010-53-8. Price: $22.00. In- quire of the author at ronmoss8@gmail.com.

Moyer, Kelly

Hushpuppy, by Kelly Moyer (No place [Winston Salem, N.C.]: Nun Prophet Press, 2023). 117 pages; 6×9. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 979-8-850099-5-72. Price: $4.03 from on- line booksellers.

Mrsic, Ljudmila Milena

A Breeze in My Hair, by Ljudmila Milena Mrsic. Edited by Dubravko Korbus. English translations by Durda Vukelic Rozic (Ivanic-Grad, Croatia: self-published, 2012). 96 pages; 24.5 cm. Medium gray boards; Smythe-sewn. ISBN 953-5720-50-8. No price given; inquire at <dvrozic@optinet.hr>.

Muldoon, Paul

Sixty Instant Messages to Tom Moore, by Paul Muldoon (Lincoln, Ill.: Modern Haiku Press, 2005). ISBN 0-9741894-1-3. 32 pages. Hand set and bound by Swamp Press. 5½ x 8½, colored inks & paper, hand tied. $20.00 postpaid from Modern Haiku, PO Box 68, Lincoln, IL 60656.

Murray, Jacqui

Evening Breeze: The Anthology from the Inaugural Janice M Bostok Award, edited by Jacqui Murray (Chapel Hill, Qld., Australia: Paper Wasp, 2012). 22 unnumbered pages; 8x6. Matte white covers with matte red card wrappers and appliqué title panel; saddle- stapled. ISBN 978-0-987313-12-6. Price: US$15.00 from the editor at <jacquimurray@bigpond.com>.

Third Australian Haiku Anthology, edited by Jacqui Murray, and Katherine Samuelowicz (Chapel Hill, Qld., Australia: Paper Wasp, 2011). 74 pages; 5x8. Glossy black-and-white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-921214-94-3. Price: Aus$20.00 + $4.00 s&h from <ksamuelowicz@optusnet.com.au>.

Newell, Ann

Mount Gassan’s Slope: Haiku, Senryu and Sumi-e, by Ann Newell. Translated into Japanese by Kenichi Sato (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2002). 84 pages, 41 poems; 8" x 8"; lacquered color cover. ISBN: 1-893959-29-5. $14.95 from the publisher.

Newton, Peter

The Searchable World, by Peter Newton (No Place [Winchendon, Mass.]: Mapleview Publishing, 2017). 124 pages; 5 x 7. Four-color matte card covers; perfectbound. Letterpress. ISBN 978-1-640075-28-3. Price: $15.00 from Mapleview Publishing, 12 High Street, Winchendon, MA 01475.

Natsuishi, Ban’ya

Right Eye in Twilight, by Ban’ya Natsuishi, English translations by Ban’ya Natsuishi and Jack Galmitz (Shelby, Ky.: Wasteland Press, 2006). 58 pages, 8.75"  x 5 .5", perfectbound. ISBN13: 978-1-60047-016-5. $17.50 postpaid from <www.wastelandpress.net>.

World Haiku 2005
, edited by Ban’ya Natsuishi (Tokyo: Nishida-shoten, 2004). ISBN 4-88866-392-0. 272 pages, 6.5 x 8.5, perfectbound. $16.00 postpaid from the editor, 3-16-11 Tsuruse-nishi, Fujimi, Saitama 354-0026, Japan.
See <http://www.worldhaiku.net/news_files/wh2005/wh2005eng.htm> for more information.

World Haiku 2006, edited by Ban’ya Natsuishi (Tokyo: Shichigatsudo, 2006). 230 pages, 5" x 8", perfectbound. $20 postpaid by International Postal Money Order or IRC from World Haiku Association, 3-16-11 Tsuruse-nishi, Fujimi, Saitama, 354-0026, Japan.

Nicolitov, Valentin

Pay Day, edited by Valentin Nicolitov (Bucharest: Editura Societatii Scriitorilor Români, 2012). 186 pages; 22 cm. Glossy four-color card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-973-7700-96-4. No price given; inquire at <valentin.nicolitov@ yahoo.fr>.

Norton, James

The Fragrance of Dust: Haiku Stories Poems, by James Norton (Ux-bridge, U.K.: Alba Publishing, 2012). 102 pages; 5 x 8. Semi-gloss white card covers, perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-955125-48-5. Price: US$16.00 from the publisher at <info@albapublishing.com>.

Noyes, H. F.

still here by H.F. Noyes; illustrated by David Kopitzke (Northfield, Mass.: Swamp Press, 2002). 92 pages, 5.5" x 8.75", paperback. No ISBN. $15.00 from vincent tripi, 42 Franklin St., No. 5, Greenfield, MA 01301

O'Connor, John S.

Room Full of Chairs: Haiku by John S. O’Connor, Deep North Press, 2610 Central Park Ave., Evanston, IL 60201; 2000, 64pp., paper, $10; available from the publisher (check payable to Charles Trumbull) or the author (5426 S. Blackstone, Chicago, IL 60615).

O'Connor, Sean

Even the Mountains: Five Years in a Japanese Village, by Sean O’Connor (United Kingdom: Alba Publishing, 2017). 92 pages; 5.75 × 8.25. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-910185-60-5. Price: $12.00 from www.albapublishing.com

Olson, Marian

Desert Hours, by Marian Olson (Northfield, Mass.: Lily Pool Press, 2007). 105 pages, 5  x 8 . Matte color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-934714-35-8. $20.00 from Collected Works Bookstore, 208B West San Francisco St, Santa Fe, NM 87501 or at <collectedworksbookstore.com>.

Sketches of Mexico, by Marian Olson (Northfield, Mass.: Lily Pool Press, 2012). 110 pages; 5.5 x8.5. Semigloss white cover with four-color photo; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-934714-40-2. Price: $20.00 from the author at 2400 Botulph Rd, Santa Fe NM 87505.

O'Sullivan, Maeve and Kim Richardson

Double Rainbow, by Maeve O’Sullivan and Kim Richardson (Uxbridge, U.K.: Alba Publishing, 2005). 48 pages, 5.75 x 8.25, perfectbound. ISBN 0-9551254-0-5. £8.70 postpaid by International Money Order from the U.S. from Alba Publishing, PO Box 266, Uxbridge, UB9 5NX, U.K.

Owen, Renée

This One Life, by Renée Owen (Durham, N.C.: Backbone Press, 2020). 34 pages; 5 × 7. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9994659-7-4. Price: $10.00 from www.backbonepress. org

Owen, W. F.

If I Met Basho, edited by W.F. Owen (San Francisco, Calif.: Two Autumns
Press, 2005). 29 pages, 5.25 x 8.5 saddle-stapled. No ISBN. $8.00 plus $1.00 in stamps for postage from HPNC at 303 Holly St, Mill Valley, CA 94941.

Ower, John

Winter Touch: Haiku by John Ower. (Spalding, Eng.: Hub Editions, 2001). 52 pages, paper. $6.50 ppd. from the author at 142 Stafford Drive, Athens, GA 30 , 605-3718, or £-4.50 ppd. from the publisher at Longholm, East Bank, Wingland, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 9YS, UK.

Painting, Tom

Piano Practice, by Tom Painting (Wethersfield, Conn.: Bottle Rockets Press, 2004). 39 pages; 4½ x 5.75 ½; paperback, saddle-stapled; $6.00 postpaid (USA) from the publisher at PO Box 290691, Wethersfield, CT 06129-0691.

Packer, Roland

No Heroic Measures, by Roland Packer (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2024). 130 pages; 4.25 ×6.5. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-958408-41-4. Price: $20.00 from www. redmoonpress.com

Patchel, Christopher

Turn Turn, by Christopher Patchel (Winchester, Va: Red Moon Press, 2013.) 106 pages; 5x7.

Paul, Matthew

The Lammas Lands, by Matthew Paul (United Kingdom: Snap- shot Press, 2015). 112 pages; 5x7. Four-color matte card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-37-5. Price: £9.99 from www. snapshotpress.co.uk

The Regulars, by Matthew Paul (Liverpool, England: Snapshot Press, 2006). 80 pages; 5 x 7 . Semigloss color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-18-5. $20.00 from the publisher.

Pauly, Bill

Walking Uneven Ground: Selected Haiku of Bill Pauly, eds. Randy and Shirley Brooks (Taylorville, Ill.: Brooks Books, 2021). 169 pages; 6.25 × 9.25. Glossy four-color hardcover. ISBN 978-1-929820-22-4. Price: $30.00 from www.brooksbookshaiku.com

Pavic, Aleksandar

Shadows of Chestnuts: Anthology of Serbian Haiku Poetry from the Second Half of the 20th Century to the Present, by Aleksandar Pavic, ed. English translations by Sava Vazic. (Baçka Palanka/Novi Sad, Serbia: Adresa, 2012). 160 pages; 20 cm. Glossy gray card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-86-86761-65-1. No price given; inquire at at <vazicsasa@gmail.com>.

Pelter, Stanley

& Y Not?, by Stanley Pelter (Easton, England: George Mann Publications, 2006). 144 pages, 6" x 9", perfectbound. ISBN 0-9546299-7-3. Free with $3 for postage from the author at 5 School Lane, Claypole, Newark, Lincolnshire NG23 5BQ, England.

Pensées, by Stanley Pelter (Lincolnshire, Eng.: Hub Editions, 2003). 110 pages, 5" x 8", perfectbound. ISBN 1-903746-25-6. £5.00 from the author at Maple House, 5 School Lane, Claypole, Newark NG23 5BQ, Lincolnshire, U.K.

Pesic, Predrag

Leaves of Sun by Predrag Pesic; from the author: Prote Mateje 86/1, 11300 Smeder Evo, Yugoslavia; 2001, 56 pp., paper, no price given.

Pizzarelli, Alan

Mind Zaps, by Alan Pizzarelli (Bloomfield, N.J.: House of Haiku, 2019). 142 pages; 5×8. Glossy black and white card-covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0962604041. Price: $15.00 from online booksellers.

Senryu Magazine by Alan Pizzarelli, River Willow Publications, 118 Schley St., Garfield, NJ 07026; 2001, 52 pp., paper, $10.

The Windswept Corner, by Alan Pizzarelli (Wethersfield, Conn.: Bottle Rockets Press, 2005). 38 pages, 4½ x 5½, saddle-stapled. No ISBN. $5.00 plus postage ($1.00 U.S., U.S.$2.00 Canada & Mexico, $3.00 elsewhere) from Stanford Forrester, PO Box 290691, Wethersfield, CT 06129.

Porad, Francine

Sunlight Comes and Goes, by Francine Porad (Bellevue, Wash.: Vandina Press, 2004). 23 pages; 5.5 x 8.5; paperback, saddle- stapled. ISBN 1-88738-24-4. $15.00 from the publisher at 10392 NE 12th Street, I-307, Bellevue, WA 98004-4263.

Powell, Richard

Wabi Sabi for Writers, by Richard Powell (Avon, Mass.: Adams Publishing, 2006). 200 pages. 7 x 5.25. Paper covers; perfectbound. ISBN 1-59337-596-4. $12.95.

Pfleuger, Paul

a Zodiac, by Paul Pfleuger, Jr. (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2013). 78 pages; 41⁄4 x61⁄2.

Purington, Carol

A Drift of Birdsong, by Carol Purington ([Colrain, Mass.]: Privately printed, 2021). 171 pages; 5.5 x 8.5. Glossy blue and black card cov- ers; perfectbound. No ISBN. Price: $16.00 from Nancy Purington, PO Box 2233, Palm City, FL 34991.

Farm Song, by Carol Purington (Colrain Mass.: A Winfred Press Book, 2020). 191 pages, with photographs; 8 1⁄2 × 11. Hardcover. No ISBN. Price: $28.00 from Nancy Purington, PO Box 2233, Palm City, FL 34991.

Quine, Stuart

Sour Pickle: One-Line Haiku, by Stuart Quine (United Kingdom: Alba Publishing, 2018). 108 pages; 6 x 8.25. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-910185-95-7. Price: $16.00 from www.albapublishing.com

Ramesh, K.

Soap Bubbles: Haiku, by K. Ramesh (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2007). 54 unnumbered pages; 5  x 8 . Color card covers; saddle-stapled. ISBN 978-1-893959-63-7. $6.00 from the publisher.

Ramsey, William M.

Ascend with Care: Haibun by William M. Ramsey (North Falmouth, Maine: Leap Press, 2003). 24 pages; 5H½ x 8H½; saddle-stitched. ISBN 0-9747229-0-1. $7.00 (plus $1.50 shipping) from Leap Press, PO Box 1424, North Falmouth, MA 02556.

More Wine, by William M. Ramsey (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2010). 64 pages; 4.25 x 6.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-893959-91-0. Price: $12.00 + s&h from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

This Wine by William M. Ramsey (Evanston, Ill.: Deep North Press, 2002). Book design by Lidia Rozmus; typography and layout by Charles Trumbull. 96 unnumbered pages, 4.5" x 8.25", perfectbound. Printed on fine wove paper with translucent flyleaves; two-color cover. ISBN 1-929116-08-X. Available for $15.00 postpaid in the United States from the author at 1217 Berkeley Ave., Florence, S.C. 29505-3008.

Reddingius, Hans

The Elements/De Elementen: 28 Haiku, by Hans Reddingius (Marginale Uitgeverij, 4 Hoge Woord, Rijsterdijk 25 VW Bakhuizen, Netherlands). Unpaginated, 2" x 2", stringbound. ISBN 90-75951-37-0. No price given.

Reichhold, Jane

Writing and Enjoying Haiku: A Hands-On Guide, by Jane Reichhold (Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2002), 166 pages, 5.25" x 7.5", perfectbound paperback. ISBN 4-7700-2886-5. $15.00 at booksellers.

Reid, Rebecca

Full Circle, by Rebecca Reid. 48 pages; 5.5" x 3.5"; hand bound in boards. No ISBN. $18.00. Moment Poems, by Rebecca Reid, 12 pages; 3.5" x 8.5"; stapled. No ISBN. $5.00. Both published by the author, 2003, and available from her postpaid at 120 Pulpit Hill Rd., #13, Amherst, MA 01002.

Robeck, Linda

Arriving by Linda Robeck (Galadriel's Garden Press, 2001). 78 pages, paper, perfectbound, $7.00, From the author at 153 Kimball Road, Amesbury, MA 01913.

Robinson, Chad Lee

The Deep End of the Sky, by Chad Lee Robinson (Arlington, Va.: Turtle Light Press, 2015). 37 pages; 5.25"x8". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-974814-75-9. Price: $12.50 from www. turtlelightpress.com

Rollins, David

Gathering Dust by David Rollins; Hub Editions, Longholm, East Bank,Wingland, Sutton Bridge, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 9YS, England;2001, 54 pp., paper (flat spined), £3.75, $7.50.

Roseliep, Raymond

The Collected Haiku of Raymond Roseliep, edited by Randy & Shirley Brooks (Taylorville, Il: Brooks Books, 2018). 223 pages; 6x9. Hardcover. ISBN 978-1-929820-15-3. Price: $30.00 from www. brooksbookshaiku.com

Rosen, David and Joel Weishaus

Clouds and More Clouds, by David H. Rosen (Northfield, Mass.: Lily Pool Press, 2013). 64 pages; 5 1⁄2 x5 1⁄2 . Glossy four-color card covers; hand-sewn. ISBN 978-1-628890-7. Price: $19.95. Inquire of the author at P.O. Box 5661, Eugene, OR 97405.

The Healing Spirit of Haiku, by David Rosen and Joel Weishaus (Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic Books, 2004). ISBN 1-55643-530-4. 175 pages, 9½ x6½, paperback. Illustrated by Arthur Okamura. $14.95 from booksellers.

Rosenow, Ce

Lenard D. Moore and African American Haiku, by Ce Rosenow (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2022). 89 pages; 6 ×9. Matte four-color card covers; hardcover. ISBN 978-1-7936-5317-8. Price: $85.00 ($45.00 Kindle version) from online booksellers.

North Lake by Ce Rosenow (Hillsboro, Ore.: Mountain Gate Press, 2004). 72 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, perfectbound, letterpress (by Swamp Press). ISBN 0-9643357-1-9. $15.00 postpaid from the author at 815 E 28th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405.

Rosenstock, Gabriel

Walk with Gandhi, by Gabriel Rosenstock, illustrations by Massood Hussain (Ireland: Gandhi 150, 2019), 109 pages; 8.5×11. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-9162254-0-4. Price: $19.00 from online booksellers.

Ross, Bruce

How to Haiku: A Writer’s Guide to Haiku and Related Forms, by Bruce Ross (Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 2002). 167 pages, 5.5" x 8", perfectbound. ISBN 0-8048-3232-3. $12.95 at bookstores.

Spring Clouds, by Bruce Ross (Bangor, Maine: Tancho Press, 2012). 150 unnumbered pages; 5H x 8H. Glossy white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-983714-11-8. Price: $14.95 from the author at Tancho Press, 499 Broadway, Suite 127, Bangor ME 04401.

Summer Drizzles, by Bruce Ross (London, Ont.: HMS Press, 2005). 84 pages, 5.5 x 8.25, perfectbound. ISBN 1-55253-063-9. $15.00 plus $2.00 postage (North America) or $4.00 postage (elsewhere) from the author at PMB 127, 11 Bangor Mall Blvd, Ste D, Bangor, ME 04401.

A Vast Sky, ed. by Bruce Ross, Koko Kato, Dietmar Tauchner, and Patricia Prime (Bangor, Maine: Tancho Press, 2015). 184 pages; 5.5"x8.5". White card covers with black lettering; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0- 983714-12-5. Price $15.95 from editor Ross at dr_bruce_ross@ho- tmail.com

Rotella, Alexis

Eavesdropping — Seasonal Haiku, by Alexis Rotella (Baltimore, Md.: Modern English Tanka Press, 2007). 49 pages, 6 x 9, softcover. ISBN 978-0-6151-6201-0. $18.95 from <modernenglishtanka press.com>

Milkweed: Selected Haiku & Senryu Alexis Rotella, eds. Randy & Shirley Brooks (Taylorville, Ill.: Brooks Books, 2024). 156 pages; 6 × 9. Matte four-color card covers; Hardcover. ISBN 978-1-929820-30-5. Price: $30.00 from www.brooksbookshaiku.com.

Ouch! Senryu That Bite, by Alexis Rotella (Baltimore, Md.: Modern English Tanka Press, 2007). 184 pages, 6 x 9, softcover. ISBN 978-0-6151-6318-5. $24.95 from modernenglishtankapress.com

Rowland, Philip

Before Music: Haiku, by Philip Rowland (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2012). 70 unnumbered pages; 4x6. Glossy indigo card covers. ISBN 978-1-936848-19-5. Price: $12.00 + s&h from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

Noon: An Anthology of Short Poems, edited by Philip Rowland (Japan and United Kingdom, Isobar Press, 2019). 158 pages; 5.5" x 8.5". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-4-907359-26-3. Price: $20.00 plus shipping in the US. Details from isobarpress.com.

Together / Still, by Philip Rowland (Longholm, U.K.: Hub Editions, 2004). 55 pages; 4" x 8"; paperback, perfectbound. ISBN 1-903746-34-5. ¥1000/£6.00/$10.00 postpaid (U.K. cheques, U.S. cash, or IRCs) from Philip Rowland, Seijo 8-23-21-510, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0066 Japan.

Rozmus, Lidia

Hailstones, by Lidia Rozmus (Evanston, Ill.: Deep North Press, 2006), 7x 9.5. Boxed, limited edition. ISBN: 1-929116-15-2. $50.00 postpaid from the author at 1 Echo Ct #11, Vernon Hills IL 60061-3003.

In Silence – haiga, by Lidia Rozmus. With Iwona Biederman, Masanobu Hoshikawa, and Jan Zamorski. (Sante Fe, N.M.: Deep North Press, 2017). 9-12. Handmade box with portfolio. Limited edition of 90. The DVD In Silence is attached to the book. ISBN 978-1-929116-23-2. Price: $120.00 from rozmuslidia@ gmail.com

My Journey, by Lidia Rozmus (Evanston, Ill.: Deep North Press, 2004). Haibun, haiku, photographs, sumi-e, and book design by the author. 48 accordion-fold pages in a custom slipcase; hand assembled. 4.25½ x 8.75½ card stock. ISBN: 1-929116-13-6. $25.00 postpaid in the U.S. from the author at 1 Echo Ct, #11, Vernon Hills IL 60061

Saito, Masaya

Snow Bones, by Masaya Saito (Tokyo: Isobar Press, 2016), 71 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Glossy gray and black card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-4-907359-15-7. Price: $15.00 from online booksellers

Sampson, Tim

Chirp by Tim Sampson, 2001. 36 pages, 3.5" x 4". $5.00 postpaid from the author at Main Floor, 923-1st Ave, NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 3CO, Canada.

Sanfield, Steve

Sierra Song, by Steve Sanfield, (Berkeley, Calif.: Tangram Press, 2003). 16 unnumbered pages, 6" x 10.5", stringbound. No ISBN. $15.00 postpaid from the publisher at 1639 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94703.

Sanmi, Sasaki

Chado, The Way of Tea: A Japanese Tea Master’s Almanac by Sasaki Sanmi, translated by Shaun McCabe and Iwasaki Satoko (Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 2002). 742 pages, 6.375" x 9.375", clothbound. ISBN: 0-804832-72-2. $75.00 in bookstores.

Santôka, Taneda

Santoka: Grass and Tree Cairn by Taneda Santôka. Translations by Hiroaki Sato; illustrations by Stephen Addiss (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2002). xxii + 74 pages, 8.5" x 5.25". ISBN 1-893959-28-7. $14.95 from Red Moon Press, PO Box 2461, Winchester VA 22604-1661.

For All My Walking: Free-Verse Haiku of Taneda Santôka with Excerpts from His Diary. Translated by Burton Watson (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003). viii + 102 pages, perfectbound. ISBN 0-231-12517-8. $17.50 at bookstores.

Santôka: A Translation with Photographic Images. Photographs by Hakudô Inoue; book and cover design by Kazuya Takaoka; English text by Emiko Miyashita and Paul Watsky. (Tokyo: Pie Books, 2007). 400 pages; 15 cm  x 23 cm. ISBN 4-89444-545-C C0072. ¥3,800 from the publisher at <http://www.piebooks.com/english/buy/index.php>.

Saracevic, Edin

Bonbon na dezju / Bonbona na kisi / Candy in the Rain by Edin Saracevic. Translated by Alenka Zorman, and with an introduction by Dimitar Anakiev (Kranj, Slovenia: self published [Haiku Balkan Edition], 2001). 75 pages, paper, perfectbound; 5½ x 8½. ISBN 961-236-165-7. $10.00 postpaid from the author at Janeza Puhara 6, 4000 Kranj, Slovenia; e-mail: <edin.saracevic@guest.arnes.si>.

Saito, Sanki

Sanki Saito: Selected Haiku 1933 – 1962, eited by Masaya Saito (Japan: Isobar Press, 2023) 294 pages; 6×9 Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound ISBN 978-4-907359-43-0. Price: $25 from online booksellers.

Sato, Hiroaki

Snow in a Silver Bowl: A Quest for the World of Yugen, by Hiroaki Sato (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2013). 114 pages; 61⁄2 x41⁄4.

Savina, Zoe

Khaïkou: "ta filla sto dentro ksana"—Pagkosmia Anthologia / Haiku: "the leaves are back on the tree"—International Anthology edited by Zoe Savina (Athens: no publisher given, 2002). 468 pages, paper, perfectbound, 6.25½ x 9.25½. No ISBN. No price given; inquire of Zoe Savina, Hydras 17, Pallini, 153 44 Attikis, Greece.

Scherwin, Dan

⊕RS, by Dan Schwerin (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2015). 80 pages; 41⁄4"x61⁄2". Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-35-5.Price: $12.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Seferis, George

Sixteen Haiku and Other Stories, by George Seferis, performed by Sigmatropic (New York: Thirsty Ear, 2004). Compact disc, with enhanced video included for one track. Available for about $15.00 online at <http://www.thirstyear.com> and by request at music stores.

Sexton, John W.

Shadows Bloom, by John W. Sexton with translations into Irish by Gabriel Rosenstock (Kerry, Ireland: Doghouse, 2004) 67 pages, 5" x 7", perfectbound. Inquire of Doghouse Press at PO Box 312, Tralee G.P.O., Co. Kerry, Ireland.

Shaw, Adelaide B.

An Unknown Road: A Collection of Haiku, by Adelaide B. Shaw (Baltimore, Md.: Modern English Tanka Press, 2008). 64 pages; 6 x 9. Glossy color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9817-6910-3. $11.95 from the publisher at PO Box 43717, Baltimore MD 21236.

Shea, Martin

Waking on the Bridge, by Martin Shea (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2008). 64 unnumbered pages; 4  x 6. Glossy two-color cover; black endpapers; perfectbound. ISBN 1-978-893959-71-2. $12.00 from the publisher.

Shiki, Masaoka

If Someone Asks: Masaoka Shiki’s Life and Haiku, translated by the Shiki-Kinen Museum English Volunteers (Matsuyama: Shiki-Kinen Museum, 2001). 74 pages, perfectbound. No ISBN. $7.00 by International Postal Money Order from Matsuyama Municipal Shiki-Kinen Museum, 1-30, Dôgo Kôen, Matsuyama City, Ehime 790-0857, Japan.

Sherry, Helen

A Breath of Haiku, by Helen J. Sherry (San Diego, Calif.: Chôchô Books, 2003). 98 pages, 5.25" x 8.25", acid-free papers, perfectbound. ISBN 0-922273-05-07. $12.00 postpaid in the U.S. and Canada; elsewhere $14.00. Available from Chôchô Books, 11929 Caminto Corriente, San Diego, CA 92128.

Shugyo, Takaha

Selected Haiku by Takaha Shugyo. Edited and translated by Hoshino Tsunehiko and Adrian Pinnington, with an introduction by Hoshino Tsunehiko (Tokyo, Japan: Furansudo, 2003). 108 pages, 21.2 cm x 14 cm, papercover, $16.00 / ¥2,000 (tax included). ISBN 4-89402-524-8 C0092.

Snyder, Gary

Danger on Peaks, Poems by Gary Snyder. Washington, D.C.: Shoemaker & Hoard, Publishers, 2004. ISBN 1-59376-041-8. 128 pages, cloth. 5 3/½ x 81/½, hardbound. US$22.00 in the U.S., Can$30.95 in Canada, from booksellers.

de Sousa, Elehna

A Shower of Blossoms, by Elehna de Sousa (Salt Spring Island, B.C.: Rainshadow Books, 2005). 40 pages, 4.25 x 5.5, saddle-stapled. ISBN 0-9738238-0-1. US$11.00 postpaid from the author at 401 Reynolds Road, Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 1Y3.

Southard, O Mabson

Deep Shade, Flickering Sunlight: Selected Haiku of O Mabson Southard, edited by Barbara Southard and Randy M. Books (Decatur, Ill: Brooks Books, 2004). 126 pages, 8.25" x 5.5", perfectbound paperback. ISBN 1-929820-05-4. $16.00 from the publisher at 3720 N. Woodridge Dr., Decatur, IL, 62526.

Spring Street Haiku Group

The Pianist’s Nose by the Spring Street Haiku Group; 2001, 28 pp., paper, $4 ppd.; from Bruce Kennedy, 62 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Lit from Within: A Collection of Haiku
by Spring Street Haiku Group (New York: Spring Street Haiku Group, 2003). 28 pages; 4" x 5.5"; paperback; saddle-stapled. No ISBN. $5.00 from Bruce Kennedy, 62 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217.

Stevenson, John

(d)ark, by John Stevenson (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2014). 74 pages; 5.25 x7.75. Glossy color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-27-0. Price: $12.00 from from <www.redmoonpress.com>.

emoji moon, by John Stevenson (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2018). 72 pages; 5.25 × 7.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-31-9. Price $15.00 from www. redmoonpress.com.

My Red: The Selected Haiku of John Stevenson, eds. Randy & Shirley Brooks (Taylorville, Ill.: Brooks Books, 2021). 160 pages; 6.25 × 9.25. Matte red and white covers; hardcover. ISBN 978-1-929820-21-4. Price: $30.00 from www.brooksbookshaiku.com.

quiet enough, by John Stevenson (Winchester, Virginia: Red Moon Press, 2004). 96 pages; 5.5 x 8; paperback, perfectbound. ISBN 0-893959-44-9. $12.00 from the publisher at PO Box 2461, Winchester, VA 22604-1661.

Stillman, Jeff

Past Due, by Jeff Stillman (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2016). 58 pages; 41⁄4"x61⁄2". Four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-49-2. Price: $12.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Stull, Denver

Prairie Sunset, edited by Denver Stull (Hamilton, Ont.: Hamilton Haiku Press, 2005). 90 pages, 8" x 5", perfectbound. ISBN 0-9684239-3-0. $10.50 postpaid from Mekler & Deahl, 237 Prospect Street South, Hamilton, ON L8M 2Z6, Canada.

Swede, George

Joy in Me Still: Haiku, by George Swede (Edmonton, Alta.: Inkling Press, 2010). 79 pages; 51⁄4 x81⁄4. Semigloss colored card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-981072-55-5. Can$18.00 from the publisher at PO Box 52014, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T5, Canada.

Swist, Wally

The Silence Between Us: Selected Haiku of Wally Swist, edited by Randy Brooks (Decatur, Ill: Brooks Books, 2005). 128 pages, 5 1/2½ x 8 1/2½, perfectbound. ISBN 1-929820-07-0. $16.00 plus $2.50 postage from Brooks Books, 3720 N. Woodridge Dr., Decatur, IL 62526.

Tarquinio, Rick

Home Again, by Rick Tarquinio (No place [Bridgeton, N.J.]: Odd Duck Press, 2023). 110 pages, 5×7.25. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. No ISBN. Price: $20.00 from https://ricktarquinio.bandcamp.com/merch.

TGU Haiku Circle

Haiku Collection, by the TGU Haiku Circle (Osaka, Japan: 2005). 37 pages, 5 .25" x 8 .125", perfectbound. No ISBN. Inquire of Peter Duppenthaler, Tezukayama Gakuin University, Osaka-Sayama-shi, Osaka-fu, 589-8585, Japan.

The Windbreak Pine: New and Uncollected Haiku 1985-2015, by Wally Swist (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2016). 96 pages; 7.75 ×5 . Semigloss black and green card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-42-9. Price: $25.00 from www. snapshotpress.co.uk.

Theodoru, Stefan

Soaptele nucului batrân: poeme într-un vers / The Whispers of the Old Walnut Tree: Romanian Liner by Stefan Gh. Theodoru (Bucharest, Romania: Editura Amurg Sentimental, 2001). 150 pages, paper, perfectbound, 5½ x 7 I½. ISBN 973-8253-35-7. No price given; inquire of the author at Stefan Gh. Theodoru, 28-18 29th St, Long Island City NY 11102.

Thomas, Carolyn

Puddle on the Ink Stone: Haiku and Other Short Poems by Carolyn Thomas (Cathedral City, Calif.: by the author, 2003). Paper, perfectbound. 142 pages; 5½ x 6H½. ISBN 0-9724396-0-9. $12.50 from the author at 36679 Las Begonias, Cathedral City, CA 92234.

Thompson, Marc

Ordinary Time, by Marc Thompson (Minneapolis, Minn.: Laughing Gull Press, 2002). 4.25" x 11". No ISBN. $5.00 postpaid from the author at 4821 Drew Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55410).

Tice, Richard

Familiar Foreign: Haiku and Linked Verse, by Richard Tice, with Jack Lyon & others (West Valley City, Utah: Waking Lion Press, 2008). 66 pages; 6´´ x 9´´. Glossy tan card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-4341-0216-4. $7.95 from online booksellers.

Tiwari, Paresh

An Inch of Sky: Haiku & Haibun, by Paresh Tiwari (No place [India]: 20 Notebooks Press, 2014). 118 pages; 20.5cm; 5 x 8 . Semigloss black and blue card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-93-5196-392-9. Price: Rs. 300 from online booksellers

Tokutomi, Kiyoko

Kiyoko’s Sky: The Haiku of Kiyoko Tokutomi, translated by Patricia J. Machmiller and Fay Aoyagi (Decatur, Ill.: Brooks Books, 2002). 128 pages; 5.5" x 8.5", perfectbound. ISBN: 1-929820-04-6. $16.00 or ¥2,000 from the publisher at 3720 N. Woodridge Drive, Decatur, Ill., 62526.

Tohta, Kaneko

Selected Haiku, with Essays and Commentary. Part I: 1937–1960, by Kaneko Tohta. Translated by the Kon Nichi Translation Group (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2012). 256 pages; 4 x6.5. Glossy white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-11-9. Price: $12.00 from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

Tomaszewska, Ewa

Antologia polskiego haiku (Anthology of Polish Haiku) edited by Ewa Tomaszewska. (Warsaw, Poland: Nozomi, 2001). In Polish. 229 pages, paper, perfectbound; 5½ x 7.75½. ISBN 83-906175-3-6. No price given; inquire by phone or fax to the publisher at (0-22) 651-61-71.

Torre, Norberto

El universo en un sombrero, by Norberto de la Torre (San Luis Potosí, México: Koan Editores, second edition, 2001). 30 pages, 8.25” x 5.5”, paperbound, saddle-stapled.

Toru, Haga

Hibikiau shishin: Haiku to Furansu no shijintachi, by Haga Tôru (Tokyo: TBS Britannica, Japan, 2002). 219 pages, 18 cm x 11.5 cm. hardbound. ISBN 4-484-02204-4. ¥1,000 + tax.

tripi, vincent

monk & i by vincent tripi. Preface by Cid Corman. Illustrations by David Kopitzke. Hummingbird Press. (PO Box 96, Richland Center WI 53581) 64 pages. $12 ppd.

Paperweight for Nothing, by Vincent Tripi (Greenfield, Mass.: Tribe Press, 2006). 82 pages, 6 x 9, hand-sewn. No ISBN. $20.00 postpaid from the author at 42 Franklin Street, Greenfield MA 01301.

Trumbull, Charles

A Five Balloon Morning, by Charles Trumbull (Santa Fe, NM.: Red Mountain Press, 2013). 122 pages; 51⁄2 x51⁄2.

Ueda, Makoto

Far Beyond the Field: Haiku by Japanese Women, by Makoto Ueda (New York: Columbia University Press, 2003), 244 + xv pages, 5.5" x 9.5". ISBN 0-231-12862-2 (hardcover), 0-231-12863-0 (paperback). Available in bookstores for $54.50 and $22.50.

Valvi, Slavica

Vraçanje v ças/Returning in Time/Vracanje u vrijeme, haiku collection by Slavica Vavli. Edited and with an introduction by Edin Saraçevic; English translations by Andreja Grad (Ljubljana, Slovenia: self-published, 2003). 60 pages; 20.5 cm x 13 cm (8" x 5"); paperback; perfectbound. ISBN 961-236-434-2. Available from the author for a $10 bill and an addressed envelope at Slavica Vavli, Jakopivceva 21, 1000 Ljubljana, Slevenia/Slovenija.

van den Heuvel, Cor

At the Top of the Ferris Wheel: Selected Haiku of Cor van den Heuvel, by Cor van den Heuvel (Winchester, Va.: The Haiku Foundation, 2017). 304 pages; 6x9. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-9826951-5-9. Price: $30.00 from www.thehaikufoundation.org

Baseball Haiku: American and Japanese Haiku and Senryu on Baseball, by Cor van den Heuvel and Nanae Tamura, editors. (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2007). 214 pages; 5 x7.25. ISBN hardbound 0-393-06219-8; softcover 978-0-393-06219-9. $19.95 from booksellers.

Haiku Cowboys by Cor van den Heuvel and Alan Pizzarelli (Garfield, N.J.: Islet Chant Books, 2003), 34 pages, 5½ x 7½, saddle-stapled. ISBN 0-9626040-7-0. $7.00 cover price. For ordering information inquire at Islet Chant Books, 118 Schley Street, Garfield, NJ 07026.

Virgil, Anita

A Long Year, by Anita Virgil (Forest, Va.: Peaks Press, 2002). 48 unnumbered pages, 7.5" x 5", stapled. ISBN 0-962856-73-8. $12.00 postpaid, from the author at 202 Merrywood Dr., Forest, VA 24551.

Virgilio, Nick

Nick Virgilio: A Life in Haiku, edited by Raffael de Gruttola and an afterword by Kathleen O'Toole. (Arlington, Va.: Turtle Light Press, 2012). 137 pages, 5.5 x 8.5. Glossy yellow and four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-974814-73-5. Price: $14.95 from the publisher at <www.turtlelightpress.com>.

Vizenor, Gerald

Favor of Crows: New and Collected Haiku, by Gerald Vizenor (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2014). 127 pages; 5.25 x 8.25. Hardbound: matte tan paper-covered boards quarterbound in buckram; semigloss four-color covers; black section dividers. ISBN 978-0-819574-32-9 hardcover; 978-0-819574-33-6 e-book. Price: $24.95 hardcover; $19.99 e-book, from booksellers.

Walker, Marylyn Appl

Listening to the Sky, by Marilyn Appl Walker (Privately printed, 2015).
52 pages; 5.5"x7”. Black with gold embossing; hardcover. ISBN 978-0-692329-33-7. Price: $20.00 from the author at 1060 East Avenue, Madison, GA 30650.

Watts, Alan

Haiku, by Alan Watts (locust50) and Zen & Senryu, by Alan Watts (locust49) (Chicago: Locust Music, 2004). Compact disks. $13.00 each, available in book and music stores or from the publisher’s Web site, <http://www.locustmusic.com>.

Welch, Michael and Billie Wilson

Tracing the Fern: The 2005 Haiku North America Anthology, edited by Michael Dylan Welch and Billie Wilson (Sammamish, Wash.: Press Here, 2005). 40 pages, 5" x 8", saddle-stapled. ISBN 1-878798-28-6. $9 postpaid ($10 in Canada, $11 elsewhere) from Michael Welch, 22230 NE 28th Place, Sammamish, WA 98074-6408.

Wilkinson, Geoffrey

Going to the Pine: Four Essays on Basho, by Geoffrey Wilkinson (United Kingdom: Privately printed, 2019). 52 pages; 6" x 9". Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-9160622-0-7. Price: $9.99 from the author at Franksbridge, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 5SA, United Kingdom.

Williams, Paul O.

The Day of Strawberries, edited by Paul O. Williams (San Francisco: Two Autumns Press, 2004). No ISBN. 36 pages, 5 1/2½ x 5 1/2½, paperbound, saddle-stapled. $9.00 postpaid from the publisher, 303 Holly Street, Mill Valley CA 94941. Please make check payable to HPNC or Haiku Poets of Northern California.

The Nick of Time: Essays on Haiku Aesthetics by Paul 0. Williams (Foster City, Calif: Press Here, 2001). 112 pages, paper, perfectbound, 6" x 9". $12.00 from the publisher at PO Box 4014, Foster City, CA 94404-0014.

Wimberley, Jamie

Before I Forget Them, by Jamie Wimberly (Alpharetta, Ga.: Redheaded Publishing, 2020). 53 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-578-66619-8. Price: $10.00 from the author at jwimberly@defgllc.com; or available for free download at www.red-headedpress.com/free-e-books.

Winke, Jeffrey

What’s Not There: Selected Haiku of Jeffrey Winke; Deep North Press, 2610 Central Park Ave., Evanston, IL 60201; 2001, 88 pp., paper, $12.

Wirth, Klaus-Dieter

Zugvögel/Migratory birds/Oiseau migrateurs/Aves migratorias—150 Haiku, by Klaus-Dieter Wirth (Hamburg: Hamburger Haiku Verlag, 2010). 200 pages; 5 x 8. Semigloss gray and four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-3-937257-27-3. Price: $14.90 from the publisher at <www.haiku.de>.

Woerdehoff, Valorie Broadhurst & Connie R. Meester

Tsugigami Gathering the Pieces, by Valorie Broadhurst Woerdehoff and Connie R. Meester (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2018). 80 pages; 5.25 ×7.75 . Glossy four-color-card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-30-2. Price $25.00 from redmoonpress.com.

Yamaguchi, Tazuo

Haiku: The Art of the Short Poem. A Film, by Tazuo Yamaguchi. Edited by Randy Brooks. (Decatur, Ill.: Brooks Books, 2008). 1st edition. 96 pages; 5.5 x 8.5. Glossy four-color cover; perfectbound with full-length DVD. ISBN 978-1-929820-10-8. Price: $28.00 from the publisher at 3720 Woodridge Dr, Decatur IL 62526.

Yarrow, Ruth

Lit from Within: Haiku and Paintings, by Ruth Yarrow (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2016). 150 pages; 4.25" x 6.5". Semigloss blue and green card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-936848-68-3. Price: $15.00 from www.redmoonpress.com

Yoshimura, Ikuyo, Editor

Haiku Tanka Senryu: Internationalization of Japanese Poems, edited by Ikuyo Yoshimura & Shigeki Nishiyama. (Kyoto: Chugainippohsha, 2002). 290 pages, 4" x 7", perfectbound, colored covers. ISBN 4-925003-07-0-C0082. $15.00 ppd. from Ikuyo Yoshimura, 1-3, Oonawaba 4-chome, Gifu 500-8889, Japan.

Yoshimura, Ikuyo

A Halo Round the Moon, by Ikuyo Yoshimura (Gifu, Japan: Rainbow Press, 2004). 60 pages, 4½ x 8½, perfectbound. No ISBN. International money order for $10.00 postpaid, from the author at 1-3, Oonawaba 4-Chome, Gifu 500-8889, Japan.

Yoshino, Yoshiko

Tsuru (Crane) by Yoshiko Yoshino. Translations by Lee Gurga and Emiko Miyashita (Evanston, Ill.: Deep North Press, 2001). 116 pages, hardcover 5.75" x 8.75". $20.00 postpaid in North America from the publisher at 2021 Harrison St., Evanston, IL 60201 (make checks to "Charles Trumbull," please).

Young, David

Moon Woke Me Up Nine Times: Selected Haiku of Basho, David Young, trans. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013). 106 pages; 20 cm; 5.25 x8. Semigloss black card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-307962-00-3. Price: $17.00 from booksellers.

Yovu, Peter

Imago, by Peter Yovu (Princeton, N.J.: Ornithopter Press, 2016). 32 pages, 45⁄8"x71⁄8". Gray card cover with block-printed wrappings; saddle-stitched. ISBN 978-1-942723-02-8. Price $11.00 from www.ornithopterpress.com/books.

Sunrise, by Peter Yovu (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2010). 96 unnumbered pages; 4.25 x 6.5. Glossy four-color card cover, perfectbound. ISBN 10893959-97-2. Price: $12.00 + s&h from the publisher at <http://www.redmoonpress.com>.

Turn to the Earth, by Peter Yovu. ISBN 1-893823-16-4. Normal, Ill.: Saki Press, 2005. 5.25 x 4.5, saddle-stapled. Available for $5.00 each (plus postage each $0.60 U.S., $0.98 Canada/Mexico, or $2.55 overseas) from Saki Press (checks payable to “Lenore Hutton”), 1021 West Gregory, Normal, IL 61761.

Zheng, Jianqing

The Other World of Richard Wright: Perspectives on His Haiku, edited by Jianqing Zheng (Jackson, Miss.: University Press of Mississippi, 2011). 202 pages; 6.25 x 9.25 inches. Hardbound with semigloss tan and black covers. ISBN 978-1-617030-22-2. Price: $55.00 from the publisher at <http://www.upress.state.ms.us/books/1401>.

The Porch, by Jianqing Zheng. 22 pages. Deltascape, by JQ Zheng. 34 pages. Found Haiku from Eudora Welty’s Delta Wedding, by JQ Zheng. All published in 2006 by Yazoo River Press, Itta Bena, Miss. 5.5 x 8.5. Paper covers; colored endpapers; saddle-stitched. No ISBNs. For prices and availability contact the author.




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