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Volume 33.3
Autumn 2002



Favorite haiku of the summer issue:

moonlight on snow—
the couple's breath lingers
between kisses
Kathy Lippard Cobb

Favorite senryu of the summer issue:

his cough
in our air
Margaret Peacock

Favorite haibun of the summer issue:

I withstood a difficult pregnancy. Consented to an adoption. I did not prepare to miss the boy. Did I expect a cloud? Some generic cherub? How did a body conceive what a mind could not fathom? His earlobes, his eyelids, were specific, intricate. I knew him. His voice stuck in me like the sea in a shell. I relinquished a baby, and took on a burning sort of transience.

falling star—
wishing you were
here to see it

There Is no explanation for giving him up. I cannot defend a miracle, cannot glorify resignation. The adoption was finalized, but not the conflict. Everyone was some mother's child, and I could not bear it. Bear this ghost-cord pulled taut at three-hundred miles.

dandelion scatter—
on a long wick

Time passes, as does my longing. Springtime, nightfall, the crook of my arm; these are no longer evidence of loss. The baby grows fat-he outgrows the months and spaces I made hollow. And he fits against his new mother as if he grew there.

north-side moss—
the baby
at her breast

Jen Hawkins

Modern Haiku High School Seniors
Haiku Scholarship Announcement

Four scholarships in the amounts of $200 to $500 will be awarded to the authors of the four best seasonal haiku submitted by high school seniors. Eligibility and rules:

1. The contest is open to haiku submitted by students in the United States and Canada who are high school seniors during the 2002–03 academic year.

2. Each student may submit up to three haiku.

3. Each entrant’s haiku should be on one sheet of paper. The entrant’s name and address are to appear in the upper left corner, and the name and address of the high school plus the principal’s name are to be placed in the upper right corner.

4. The haiku must be the original creation of the student who submits them.

5. Entries are to be sent to:

Modern Haiku Scholarship Contest
PO Box 68
Lincoln, IL 62656-0068

6. Entries must be received (not postmarked) by March 1, 2003.

7. The haiku will be judged by the editors of Modern Haiku, with the assistance of a panel of recognized haiku poets if it is deemed desirable by the editors.

8. The winning haiku will be published in the summer 2003 issue of Modern Haiku.

9. The decision of the judges will be final.

10. Entrants should keep a copy of their haiku as entries will not be returned.

11. Guidelines are available at the above address. Enclose an SASE with any requests or correspondence.




©2002 Modern Haiku • PO Box 68 • Lincoln, IL 62656