Modern Haiku Press books

MH books


Now available from Modern Haiku Press:


Haiku 2014 cover

Magnolia Diary
by paul m.

Modern Haiku Press, 2024

The latest collection from the editor of Modern Haiku. Miller, an internationally awarded and anthologized poet, is a four-time book award winner.

90 pages, 5" x 7", perfectbound - ISBN 978-0-9600855-8-3

See the web page feature to order your copy: Magnolia Diary


Haiku 2014 cover

Haiku 2024
Edited by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2024

100 notable haiku from 2023 selected by the editors of the award-winning Haiku 21.


"What can haiku be? Where might haiku be going? I read these questions and the word haiku feels restored to the strange and exotic thing it was when I first encountered it: a compellingly elusive word whose meaning comes clear and crumbles with repeated readings of HAIKU 2024. A hundred crumbles of light, each one framed by a window in a dragonfly's wing." ~Peter Yovu

See the web page feature to order your copy: Haiku 2024


Haiku 2014 cover

Haiku 2023
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2023

100 notable haiku from 2022 selected by the editors of the award-winning Haiku 21. With an afterword by Michele Root-Bernstein.

"Reading through Haiku 2023 is like a madcap taste tour of curated ice creams, exotic coffees, or handcrafted beers . . . They surprise the mind; they touch the heart. 

~Michele Root-Bernstein, from the afterword

See the web page feature to order your copy: Haiku 2023


Haiku 2014 cover

Haiku 2022
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2022

100 notable haiku from 2021 selected by the editors of the award-winning Haiku 21. With an afterword by Cherie Hunter Day.

Each edition of the anthology reiterates that haiku writers are not done exploring what haiku is and what it can become. This project has always been an open-ended invitation to more fully enter our daily experiences — engage every aspect of our minds and hearts. This is the journey. This is haiku. ~Cherie Hunter Day

See the web page feature to order your copy: Haiku 2022


Haiku 2021 cover

Haiku 2021
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2021

100 notable haiku from 2020 selected by the editors of the award-winning Haiku 21. With an introductory essay by Philip Rowland, editor of NOON: Journal of the Short Poem (Tokyo).

"Haiku 2021 unfolds as a series of flashes of insight
and facets of language, a remarkable range
of minimalist poetic possibilities."

                                       ~Philip Rowland, from the introduction

See the web page feature to order your copy: Haiku 2021 order page




without syntax
by Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2021

Eighteen uncollected haiku by the editor of Modern Haiku Press.
Cover art by Kelly Sauvage Angel.
Book design by Lidia Rozmus.


See the web page feature to order your copy: WITHOUT SYNTAX page


Haiku 2014 cover

Blossom Moon: Waukesha Haiku Group
Edited by Lee Gurga & Kelly Sauvage Angel

Modern Haiku Press, 2020

Wisconsin has an exalted status in the annals of English-language haiku. The first haiku magazine, American Haiku, was published in Platteville by James Bull and Donald Eulert in 1963. Robert Spiess, who was editor of the journal Modern Haiku from 1978 until 2002, lived in Middleton. Gayle Bull, owner of Foundry Books in Mineral Point, hosted the Cradle of American Haiku Festival from 2003 until 2018. And now we have three dynamic haiku groups, including Dan Schwerin’s monthly haiku gatherings in Waukesha, to add to the glory of Wisconsin haiku.

Short listed on the TOUCHSTONE Awards

See the web page feature to order your copy: Blossom Moon page


Haiku 2014 cover

Haiku 2020
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2020

100 notable haiku from 2019 selected by the editors of the award-winning Haiku 21. With an introductory essay by Richard Gilbert, author of The Disjunctive Dragonfly.

See the web page feature to order your copy: HAIKU 2020 page



A History of Modern Haiku
Charles Trumbull



A History of Modern Haiku by Charles Trumbull
Lincoln, IL: Modern Haiku Press, 2019
ISBN: 978-0-9600855-0-7

Order your copy online from PAYPAL or by snail mail:

$15 plus $5.00 postage for orders to U. S. addresses:

For Canadian addresses, $15 plus $6.00 shipping:

For European addresses, $15 per copy plus $7.00 shipping:

For Asia addresses, $15 plus $9.00:

For Australia addresses, $15 plus $10.00:

Or order your copy by sending cash or a check drawn on a U.S. bank to:
Modern Haiku Press
PO Box 2016
Champaign, IL 61825


The Haiku Life: What We Learned as Editors of Frogpond

Modern Haiku 1-10 CD cover

The Haiku Life: What We Learned as Editors of Frogpond
Lincoln, IL: Modern Haiku Press, 2017
ISBN: 0-9741894-3-X

Go to the THE HAIKU LIFE web page for more information.

See the web page feature to order your copy: HAIKU Life

Haiku 2016 cover

Haiku 2016
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2016

100 notable haiku from 2015 selected by the editors of the award-winning
Haiku 21, Haiku 2014, and Haiku 2015. Perfectbound.

out of print

Haiku 2014 cover

Haiku 2015
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2015

100 notable haiku from 2015 selected by the editors of the award-winning
Haiku 21 and Haiku 2015. With an introduction by the editors. Perfectbound, 110 pages.

See the web page feature to order your copy: HAIKU 2015 page

Haiku 2014 cover

Haiku 2014
Edited by by Scott Metz & Lee Gurga

Modern Haiku Press, 2014

100 notable haiku from 2013 selected by the editors of the award-winning
Haiku 21. With an introduction by the editors. Perfectbound, 110 pages.

See the web page feature to order your copy: HAIKU 2014 page


Modern Haiku 1-10 CD cover

lakes & now wolves
by Scott Metz

with an introduction by the Philip Rowland
Modern Haiku Press, 2012
ISBN 978-0-9741894-9-9

The poems in this book are gathered under three section-headings, each based . . . on the opening phrase of Metz's signature haiku: "lakes / & now wolves / entering Pegasus."The first section, "lakes," gathers haiku that tend towards the conventional end of the spectrum in terms of form and seasonal nature-orientation. We see something of the romantic streak, as well as his playful allusiveness. . . . With characteristic playfulness, Metz accords "&" a section of its own, perhaps indicating that the poems grouped under that heading should be seen as transitional in the progress of his work, or an as interlude of sorts. . . . The poems in the third section of this book, "now wolves," often deviate further from the norms of syntax, punctuation and lineation. . . . Metz's haiku (or "ku," as he prefers to call them) are marked not only by his exploratory, language-oriented approach, but also by his erudition, fine ear and craftsmanship. —Philip Rowland

the distraction of
a question mark

Perfectbound, 64 pages.

See the web page feature to order your copy: LAKES & NOW WOLVES page


:Modern Haiku 1-10 CD cover
Haiku 21: an anthology of contemporary English-language haiku.
Edited by Lee Gurga and Scott Metz
With an introduction by the editors
Modern Haiku Press, 2011

Over 600 haiku by more than 200 poets.

In forms ranging from monostich to multilayer to interlinear spaces, Haiku 21 reveals a shift in haiku writing in English today. Along with typically haikuesque sensibilities come fleeting remarks, cosmic wonders, whimsies, dissonances, gritty and elegant meldings with nature, veritable koans. An eye-opening collection. --Hiroaki Sato

Perfectbound, 205 pages.

See the web page feature to order your copy: HAIKU 21 page


Modern Haiku Press is pleased to announce the publication of an archive CD-Rom including all issues published in the first ten years of Modern Haiku magazine:

Modern Haiku Volumes 1-10
(1969-1979) on CD-Rom

MC CD Rom cover

Modern Haiku Volumes 1-10 (1969-1979) on CD-ROM. Decatur, IL: Modern Haiku Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-974189-44-4

Enjoy a free sample archive issue on our Modern Haiku Archive web site:
Modern Haiku 1.1 1969

Order your copy for $30.00 plus $4.25 postage from Paypal.

For orders outside the United States, please use this button. Postage & handling is $20.

Billy Collins, former U.S. Poet Laureate.

Billy Collins haiku

She Was Just Seventeen.
(Modern Haiku Press: Lincoln, IL, 2006).
32 pages, 8 x 5 inches, sewn letterpress edition.
ISBN 0-9741894-2-1. Out of print.

Paul Muldoon, Winner of 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.

Sixty Instant Messages to Tom Moore.
(Modern Haiku Press: Lincoln, IL, 2005).
32 pages, 8 x 5 inches, sewn letterpress edition.
ISBN 0-9741894-1-3.

$15.00 plus $5.00 postage for shipping to one address in the USA.

Payment for orders must be made in U.S. bills or international postal money order or by Paypal:


Gurga, Lee.Haiku: A Poet's Guide. Lincoln, Illinois: Modern Haiku Press, 2003. Edited by Charles Trumbull. 170 + xiv pages. 5.25 x 8 inches, perfectbound. ISBN 0974189405.

Order your copy online from PAYPAL or by snail mail:

$20 plus $5.00 postage for orders to U. S. addresses:

For Canadian addresses, $20 plus $21.50 shipping:

For European addresses, $20 per copy plus $26.00 shipping:

For Asia addresses, $20 plus $28.00:

For Australia addresses, $20 plus $30.00:

Or order your copy by sending cash or a check drawn on a U.S. bank to:

Modern Haiku Press
PO Box 2016
Champaign, IL 61825


backlist of
MH books

Louvière, Matthew.

The Marsh and Other Haiku and Senryu. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 2001. 72 pages. 5.5 x 8 inches, saddlestitched. $8.00 and $5.00 postage in the United States.

Spiess, Robert.

The Bold Silverfish and Tall River Junction. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1986. 52 pages. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, saddlestitched. $10.00 and $5.00 postage in the United States.

The Cottage of the Wild Plum. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1991. 72 pages. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, perfectbound. OUT OF PRINT.

Five Caribbean Haibun. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1972. 60 pages. 5.5 x 8 inches, originally Japanese-sewn handbound edition. Unbound copy available for $10.00 and $4.25 postage in the United States.


noddy. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1997. 64 pages. 5.5 x 8.5 inches, perfectbound. OUT OF PRINT

The Shape of Water. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1982. 48 pages. 5.5 x 8 inches, saddlestitched. $10.00 and $4.25 postage in the United States.

some sticks and pebbles. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 2001. 48 pages. 5.5 x 8 inches, saddlestitched. $8.00 and $5.00 postage in the United States.

The Turtle's Ears. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1971. 100 pages. 9.5 x 7.25 inches, Japanese-sewn handbound edition. OUT OF PRINT

A Year's Speculations on Haiku. Madison, Wisconsin: Modern Haiku Press, 1995. 68 pages. 5.5 x 8 inches, saddlestitched. OUT OF PRINT



make checks payable to Modern Haiku and send your order to:
Modern Haiku Press • PO Box 2016 • Champaign, IL 61825

© 2024 Modern Haiku