Books Reviews in this Issue:
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Okinawa, by Hasegawa Kai. Translations by David Burleigh and Tanaka Kimiyo (Winchester, Va.: Red Moon Press, 2018). 102 pages; 5 × 7.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-947271-22-7. Price: $15.00 from www.redmoonpress.com.
The Tender Between, by Eve Luckring (Princeton, N.J.: Ornithopter Press, 2018). 90 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Glossy four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-942723-05-9. Price $16.00 from www. ornithopterpress.com.
The Penguin Book of Haiku, ed. and trans. by Adam L. Kern (Unit- ed Kingdom: Penguin Random House, 2018). 451 pages; 5 × 7.75. Matte four-color card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-0-140-42476- 8. Price: $18.00 from online booksellers.
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