Books Reviews in this Issue:
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Snow Bones, by Masaya Saito (Tokyo: Isobar Press, 2016), 71 pages; 5.5 × 8.5. Glossy gray and black card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-4-907359-15-7. Price: $15.00 from online booksellers
The Windbreak Pine: New and Uncollected Haiku 1985-2015, by Wally Swist (United Kingdom: Snapshot Press, 2016). 96 pages; 7.75 ×5 . Semigloss black and green card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-903543-42-9. Price: $25.00 from www. snapshotpress.co.uk.
The Chrysanthemum and the Scissors: Haiku, Zen, and Traditional Japanese Verse by Jon LaCure (No place: Independently published, 2017). 171 pages, 6 ×9 . Four-color glossy covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-1-520290-67-6. Price: $6.99 from online booksellers
Four Seasons, by Satoru Kanematsu (Japan: Gakhôsha, 2017). 73 pages; 5.75 × 8.25. Glossy black and white card covers; perfectbound. ISBN 978-4-990732-01-4. Price: inquire of the author
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